
If it ain't white, it ain't right.

I do not understand the joy of being light skinned.

Funny how people are trying to be browner like us brownies yet we are still struggling to be white.

Why is it that Indian people equate being light with being great in life? I am not sure if this is true of black people but judging how Beyonce has become more accepted as she has lightened her skin colour, it seems the same.

Anywho, I have seen a million creams from India and Pakistan saying that they will make you whiter, some miracle creams even claim to cure dark circles and acne. There are tonnes of these creams and people for some reason buy them thinking they will work, these are the same people who think I am idiot for buying Clinique moisturiser. Wallies.

When I was younger my mum was convinced that I was too dark, she even made me use this disgusting yellow stinky cream named Vicco Tumeric, every single desi knows of this cream but I do not think anyone else knows of the evils of this cream. Anywho, she made me use this and I used to hate it, then one day I woke up and I was the colour I am now, I am not dark..not that I would mind if I was, but I know people who have been using this cream for years and instead of getting whiter, they have taken on a yellow hue. I tried to be fancy with the placing of the picture of the cream and it came out up there someplace, that is it.

Anywho, I saw an ad on tv the other day and the woman said "Before I was dark and ugly but now I am white and fair after using this cream". And idiots actually go out and buy this!

Another thing, when I was in India I saw an ad for another cream that did the same, the woman in the ad went for a job (she was really dark) and they didn't give her the job, so she went home, used the cream, went back for another interview for the same job and got it because she was white.

Ads like that are acceptable there and then the Govt wonders why so many people kill themselves because their skin is too dark.

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