
Being a child/Dreams/Excellent teachers

I have rambled/ranted enough for today so now I think I should write about something more positive.

When I was younger I was a pretty strange child, all of kids at school and down my street were strange by comparison to the sheep children of today, we all had our little quirks, mine was getting cherry stones stuck up my nose and running away from home but returning for lunch and dinner, a boy I went to school with, Ross Armstrong used to slide worms up his nose and then eat them, we'd be carted away by the Social now for having parents who weren't raising us properly. Back then, being a kid was actually fun, you could go out all day unsupervised without the worry of someone abducting you. It strikes me as ironic that the more society opens up to things that used to be seen as dangerous and risque, the more "bad" stuff happens, e.g. society is now a lot more open than it used to be about matters such as sex and yet troubles are increasing, is it worth reverting back to how things were in my childhood? Is the safety of people more valued than the freedom of people? Tis probably the Human Rights Act which made the decision for us. Anyway, being a kid in the late 80's/early 90's was probably one of the best times to be a kid, money was scarce due to many reasons and so you made your own fun. Me and my brother used to stay out in the street until it got dark and there was no fear that someone would kidnap us, the house door used to be wide open and the house was never burgled.

Anyway, times changed and people get older, you start dreaming about what you're going to be when you grow up and then you realise what you really can be.

This is the time that you need to understand that no matter how extravagant your dreams are, HANG ON TO THEM, after all, dreams DO come true, DO NOT EVER EVER EVER EVER BE AFRAID TO DREAM, even if the other children laugh at you (though they seldom do, it is normally the adults who sneer, and tis usually those who have own unfulfilled dreams). When I was 15, I dreamt about studying law and making some decent money and being able to financially aid my mother and father, my whole family laughed at me and that really hurt me as back then we were a secure unit.

Anyway, it was when doing my GCSE's that I met the greatest teacher I have ever had, Mr John Faherty, if there is a Nobel Peace Prize or something for teachers, he should get it. This man is a leg-end and it is thanks solely to him that I am where I am today. It is because of his teaching that I see the world in the way that I do today, it's thanks to him that I am a staunch Marxist (hehehehe) and more importantly it is this man who taught me that you should never ever be afraid to dream, that there is no limit to the human mind other than that put on it by humans, and for this lesson I am truly eternally grateful. If it was not for this man, I would probably be doing something I hated.

Now I am 23 and I have achieved everything I wanted to achieve as a spotty faced 15 year old and then some, and my family still have no respect for me, but they do not realise that I am not a fool, for it is not their respect which I want, I want nothing from them and if all they can do is criticise me and laugh at me, that is their choice for it is that constant non belief in me that pushes me further to prove them wrong, as long as I have the respect of my mother, father and brother I am a happy bunny. The opinions of people for whom I have no respect do not matter to me, for you can call me whatever you wish to call me, I do not recall you being named God and it is only he who is allowed to judge the actions of us mere mortals and take action accordingly so your judgments hold no water with me at all.

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