
The funniest programme in the world

I wanted to embed this but I couldn't so I'm just pasting the link.

I LOVE the stair scene in this and I implore you all to watch it.



Rinse cycle

I've had my current washing machine for a while now but I never ever figured out how to just put the clothes on rinse after having washed them, I always thought you had to just super rinse them once you had finishing washing.

Recently, I've had a lot of washing to do, mainly because I was lazy this weekend gone and thus have three weeks backlog of Simon's stuff to wash (tis a glamorous life).

I've been really busy at work this week but today I made the resolution that I would wash all his clothes that he had worn in America so I got home from work, got into my pj's and wacked all his clothes into the washing machine. The only problem with this was the fact that he had a lot of clothes as he went to work, wore clothes around the hotel and then also went out, this adds up to a maximum of three changes a day as he sleeps in his boxers (God bless that body of his..man, the fun a girl can have..).

The washing machine can only take 6kg washes at a time and I've never measured how many clothes this is although an indicator is given in the manual (which by the way, is really crap as I figured out everything this machine does by myself). I know roughly how much you can put in there and I normally stick to it but today was no normal day as I had a mission.

So, I chucked all his clothes in the machine, struggled with the machine door, put in the fabric softner (concentrate..very conscious of our carbon footprint are we) and the Persil and whacked the door shut.

One hour and 32 minutes later (extra time for the super rinse, normally tis one hour 23) the clothes are ready to come out. I'm waiting there with my washing basket so I can hang them out in the conservatory area (they will dry because of how cold it is outside) and the clothes come out soaking wet. Well, that's a lie actually, the clothes nearest the front were closest to being freshly washed and rinsed, the middle bunch were wet and the poor sods at the back were soaking..and to top it off, a pair of my kecks had lodged themselves in the plastic/rubber tubing you get at the front of the machine. That reminds me, that isn't the first time that has happened, once the machine jammed and when the repairman came around he found a pair of my pants clogging up the pipe which is funny because my pants aren't even that big. What was even funnier was the fact that I wasn't home when he called, Simon was. I was laughing about that for months after, Simon went red in the face when handed the pants and negated to tell the dude that he actually had a wife who lived in the house and wore women's pants (as one would do). I doubt the dude would have believed him though as for some reason, that whole batch of washing contained my unmentionables and Simon's clothes..no other women's clothing. I think I might get one of those bags you can put in your washing machine and just chuck the kecks in there so they don't get lost..but I worry that might not clean them properly. I could wash by hand but that takes too long and I don't have that much time. I only wash the ones you are meant to wash, the super super super super super expensive, keep for a special occasion pairs.

Anyway, as usual I digress. The clothes were wet and I wasn't happy so I fiddled with a few buttons and pressed one shaped like an arrow which had a little light next to it and some symbols. When it was on (what I assume was) the rinse button (the light next to the symbol came on) I decided to try my luck. How did I know this was the rinse button? Well, I thought a rinse wouldn't take long and when I had the light on my newly found rinse button, a number came up on the screen..16 (I found out later that this was a very high number as you can do a normal load in about 12), the other buttons produced much bigger numbers (some even going back into the hours!) so I knew that I had found the baby.

The clothes were rinsed on the highest spin cycle setting (once I'd done a test batch on a lower setting) and they came out super dry.

I was so impressed with myself that I phoned my Mum to tell her that I'd cracked the old rinse mystery and now I have to go show her how to do it.

I've always wanted to know how to do the rinsing because I hate going out in the winter to hang my washing up but now I can just put it on super rinse and most of the stuff comes out pretty dry. It's better than putting it in a dryer too as the washing machine doesn't shrink stuff.

God, I'm fast becoming the domestic goddess I loathed as a child and that my mother wished I would one day become.


That man who went missing and then came back

I've been meaning to blog about this for a few days now but time always got the better of me.

Of course this story is developing by the day so had I blogged it up when I first heard of it I would have simply mentioned how fantastic it was that the dude turned up after years of being missing.

Anyway, as the story progresses so does my opinion and so do the conspiracy theories flying around the office.

The first thing I'd like to talk about is how amazing it would have been for a man to go missing as long ago as he did and then suddenly turn up. I picked holes in his "story" straight away, if you've been missing as long as he has and thus forgotten everything, how do you know to go to a police station and say you're missing? How do you know that's where you go if you're a missing person? I don't even think there is a protocol if you're a missing person, don't you just go home? If you don't want to attract attention to yourself, that's what you would do. Seems to me that he wanted to be found out. Also, people may argue that he couldn't remember where his children lived/they may have moved since he went missing but I still find holes in his story.

He also says that he has no recollection of what he has been doing for the past 6? years, he must remember something as he looks perfectly fine and dandy in that picture of him and his wife, how do you sustain yourself for that long if you have no memory of what you're doing? Also, I've just moved this keyboard onto the top shelf of my desk as it's making far too much noise on the roll out shelf and I must admit that I am typing a lot faster than before as I am no longer worried about the noise.

Anyway, back to the man in question. I was a bit confused when the police arrested him but then I sloooooooowly figured it out, if he had life insurance and had claimed on it and then turned up alive, that is fraud..maybe he will be one of the first known cases (i.e. in the appellate courts) tested under the new Fraud Act..has taken about a year but we may have one. That's pretty cheeky of him to do that..but still, WHY COME BACK?

Also, how evil must the husband and the wife be? To let two children believe that their father is dead when he is sunning himself in Panama? Even today on the BBC website the mother was claiming that the photo was in fact a real one and that she had lied to her children, what kind of mother does that?

Don't you think tis a coincidence that the father came back only a few weeks after the mother bought a house in Panama?

I wonder what is truly going on here..I was really confused so I told my mum and she has a lot of sense, sometimes I don't give her as much credit as she deserves but she can be a right brainbox when needs be (this is how she is like Grandad from Only Fools). She thinks that the husband and wife wanted to go and live in Panama because of how beautiful the island is and because of the tax benefits. Then I realised why they would pull this elaborate scam..it all made sense. They wanted to go and live in Panama but didn't have enough money for a comfortable lifestyle so they pretend to kill the Dad/husband so that the "wife" could get the insurance money and live it up in Panama.

But then hold on a minute, if this was always the plan then why did she only move out there a few weeks ago? The wife has said that it is her and her husband in teh picture but then can we really take what she says as gospel? A woman who knows her husband is alive but still takes the insurance money isn't going to be the most honest person in the world now is she?

Also, another confusion..why wait until now to come forward? Why not come forward sooner or never?

What kind of parent lies to their child about the death of their spouse?

Something fishy is going on here and I for one can't wait until the deception is properly uncovered. There are so many parts of the story that don't fit or don't make sense..At the moment, I'm going with my mum's theory re. the new life in Panama, tis the only one that fits the situation the best.


Monday Afternoon Randomness

So it's the start of another working week. I'm back home this week as Simon comes home on Saturday and Heathrow is closer to here than to my house.

Anyway, I've got a lot to say today methinks but I'm not really sure.

On Saturday me and Akash went to some finance lecture thingy and then we went off to find AD, the amazing thing is, we, well I saw a girl with a bag from that shop and I TOLD Aykash to follow her but would he? No.

We bumbled around went to two Lush stores (one gave me a sweet, one didnae..gits), off to Muji where I was amazed by the wooden dinosaurs, they should have had a wooden snake, I could just hear the double entendres sliding around in my head for that one. Try as we did we couldn't find AD, shall have to Google it up.

Got some magazine from the finance fayre (is that the right spelling?) which had the dude who started Wikipedia in it, I salue that man, Wiki is the first port of call for ANYONE.

Three-ish weeks left til Xmas and the shoppers are out in force, I'm doing all my shopping online, there are only 4 people who are getting gifts which I have had to go out and get and they know who they are..those lucky cunts are worth my time and pedometre mileage AND they are getting more than one present too.

I'm listening to The Masterplan by Oasis and do you think we are all part of a master plan? Do we all play the role we have in life because it leads us to greatness or others to greatness? I don't really agree with that, you make your own way..you can come from the crappest circumstances and become everything you wanted, I think that having a bad/poor background helps as you strive to never have that kind of life yourself whereas if you're born into luxury you get used to it and you haven't suffered the worst.

Anyway, Saturday was a great day, went shopping in the morn and to that finance lecture and then came home, ate, then went out dancing the night away.

What also makes me laugh is when people only read books that have won prizes because it makes them look like they have their finger firmly placed on the literary pulse. These are the people who muddle through even when a book is shit. Read what you want to read..also people who only read classics because it makes them look refined and educated..WHY?! I've only read two "classic" texts which I loved..The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists (which I am still reading more than a year on) and Therese Racquin (I think that's how you spell it) by Emile Zola. Apart from that I read whatever I might find interesting.

Also, in Roll With It, the Gallaghers say that you should "Say what you say, don't let anybody get in your way"..I think that's the motto of my life along with "God gave you a mouth..use it!"