

Why is it suddenly the in thing to have an accent?

I have nothing against people with acents, it's not their fault they can't speak properly, I kid, I kid.

What bemuses me is how people from London now pretend to have accents when they have been born and bred in London, tis like reverse Guy Ritchie syndrome, something which has rubbed off on his wife.

A prime example of this is that dude from The Kooks, he is from London yet sings as if he is from Cornwall, because tis cool to have an accent, I can't help but think he is trying to form his band into a second Arctic Monkeys, even though Alex Turner sings in the same accent as which he speaks in.

Also, why is there such a need for people in the music business to be "common", these people are posh by definition (went private school etc..) and yet they talk as if they are common folk, and then they have the cheek to tell us to be ourselves and be happy with what we are. Case in point is Miss Lily "I am the biggest attention whore in the world" Allen. She went to private school, thus can speak properly, UnLyK D rEsT Ov Uz and she still decides to act like a chav, then she tells schoolkids to be themselves and not turn into Cherly Tweedy clones, one thing I will say about Cheryl, atleast she does not advocate one thing and then act in a a different way herself. I saw Lily on This Morning and she spoke perfect English to the presenters yet, proper talking, pronouncing her T's and everything, yet when she talks to music programmes she puts her chav voice on. Why does everyone think she is a breath of fresh air? She wears trainers and a dress, there is nothing great about that, she doesn't look good, she looks like an idiot, atleast her arch rival Cheryl looks semi decent in her stuff. I remember when she released Smile and she said she would never be an attention whore like Cheryl, funny how a few months down the line she is more known for her opinions on other people and her habit of getting pissed than she is for her music.

Anywho, tis up to her, she is the one lying to herself.

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