
Global Warming

Anyone who knows me is fully aware of how I like to rant and rave about this issue.

Another thing that gets me is world poverty and giving money to charity.

Now I'm not a Scrooge, I give money where I feel it is justified to give money but what I do not agree with is celebrities making me feel bad and thus trying to illicit funds from me when they themselves aren't giving any money. I would like to ask Bob Geldof and Bono how much they contribute to charity from their own pockets, it's all well and good them staging events like Live Aid and bringing famine to our attention but I do not agree with them making me feel like it's my DUTY to give money when I can barely fend for myself. I would also like to know how much the celebs who do Comic Relief give from their own pockets, it is all well and good advocating a cause but how hypocritical is it to tell someone to do something that you aren't doing yourself?

Also, they want to hold a gig to raise awareness of the problems we are having with global warming, did they not stop to think how much excess global warmth is going to be produced with the usage of all the musical equipment? And how are people going to get to this gig? Are they going to walk? Hell no, they will get in their cars, on the busses or on the trains and that too will cause even more pollution.

Prince Charles also annoys me, gallavanting around the world in his private jet and yet lecturing us mere mortals on how we should plan for the future. I saw on the news how his wife forgot something at home when she went on holiday and had the object flown directly to where she was, and these people are telling ME how to be more environmentally friendly?

It's highly ironic how it is the celebrities who are giving US tips on how to be more environmentally friendly yet it is them who are traipsing around the world on private jets, how many of us normal folk have a private jet at our disposal? Why should we be forced to walk to places to "save the planet" when the celebs and those in high society are able to go by plane/chaffeur driven car. If anything, it should be us tube commuters who tell the celebs how to save energy. We work out guts out just to get enough money to pay the rent and eat, if we have a few pence left over at the end of the month why SHOULDN'T we be able to use that money to travel in cars etc.. Atleast the bulk of us spend our own money.

I don't understand how they think they are justified in telling us what to do, just because they are famous does not mean that we will listen to them, we aren't teenagers anymore.

While I'm on my standard Wednesday morning rant, I would also like to complain about the state of the Underground. A 1-6 (peak) travelcard now costs somewhere in the region of 13 English pounds. What great service do we get for 13 pounds? Utter bollocks. You have to stand because the trains are so packed, you literally boil to death as despite the steep increase in travelling prices, Ken Livingstone still thinks that tubes do not need air conditioning and the tracks are very uneven, so much so that even the slightest bit of speed from the driver shakes every single carriage and the noise, the noise on the bakerloo line is deafening, the train chugs along and a screeching sound is heard, a sound which makes my ears bleed, I would not be surprised if someone went deaf after travelling on the Bakerloo line.

My question to the "Mayor" is this: Every year for the past 10 or so years the price of travelling on the tube has increased yet we have seen absolutely NO changes, there are always adverts up about how track safety is taking place etc...but how about fixing other things which make the ride so deliciously comfortable? I don't believe the excuse that there is no money to do this as there must be a tonne of people in each carriage in the morning and they have all paid the price to travel on the tube so changes could be made but instead people want to be paid extra for doing nothing.

All the tube users should one day abandon the tube and see how much money is lost by tfl.

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