I am currently wearing..
Grey socks with multicoloured stars
PJ bottoms with roses on them
A top with an ice lolly adorning the left boob
A brown hoody
Sexy ain't it?
As I am sure you can tell, I'm not afraid of looking like an "idiot", though I hardly call being comfortable, looking like an idiot.
What IS looking like an idiot is getting dressed up in stuff that is uber uncomfortable when you are just popping to the corner shop.
Anywho, getting on with the reading of A History of Modern Britain, I am on chapter 2, the depressed public lost faith in Attlee (I would too if I was made to starve whilst my PM worried about other countries eating well) and re-elected Churchill, gone through the great films made at Ealing, and the author (Andrew Marr) seems to think that Ealing is now a "trendy" town, when it isn't, tis a scuzzhole, it only LOOKS decent because of some of the old school houses.
Also, went to Ikea today..more shall follow later as I am currently too lazy to type.
Idiots on the tube
So I were on the tube today, on the way to Ealing Broadway and there were two freshies sitting in front of me.
I was reading away (Modern History of Britain is sexcellent I tells thee) and listening to the old iPod and I had to answer the phone, I noticed that the two freshies were talking about me in Punjabi, thinking I wouldn't understand, I let them carry on doing so.
The train terminated and we were getting off it and one of them decided to grab my bum, what a wanker. I told him there and then in Punjabi that I understood every single word they said about me and that if they wanted to stay in this country on their expired student visas (they said something about this themselves, I'm not assuming..though most of the time the assumption tis true) they should get a move on because I could quite easily phone to police and get them deported, heh..I have never seen people move so fast.
Why do people make such judgments of you, just because you're brown and you live in England, doesn't mean you don't understand your mum's mother tongue, bunch of wankers. This is why I hate freshies, they come over to MY country (heh) and perv on the girls instead of trying to better themselves, no wonder the white folk can't stand them, if they cause their own fellow brownies this much offence, tis no wonder the *** are gaining power. Which reminds me, tis quite ironic how the *** can only manage a seat in *******..dickheads.
I'm in quite a sweary mood today, must be the aloneness, oh woe is me!
Yeah, I changed a few letters due to my blog attracting unwanted attention.
I was reading away (Modern History of Britain is sexcellent I tells thee) and listening to the old iPod and I had to answer the phone, I noticed that the two freshies were talking about me in Punjabi, thinking I wouldn't understand, I let them carry on doing so.
The train terminated and we were getting off it and one of them decided to grab my bum, what a wanker. I told him there and then in Punjabi that I understood every single word they said about me and that if they wanted to stay in this country on their expired student visas (they said something about this themselves, I'm not assuming..though most of the time the assumption tis true) they should get a move on because I could quite easily phone to police and get them deported, heh..I have never seen people move so fast.
Why do people make such judgments of you, just because you're brown and you live in England, doesn't mean you don't understand your mum's mother tongue, bunch of wankers. This is why I hate freshies, they come over to MY country (heh) and perv on the girls instead of trying to better themselves, no wonder the white folk can't stand them, if they cause their own fellow brownies this much offence, tis no wonder the *** are gaining power. Which reminds me, tis quite ironic how the *** can only manage a seat in *******..dickheads.
I'm in quite a sweary mood today, must be the aloneness, oh woe is me!
Yeah, I changed a few letters due to my blog attracting unwanted attention.
Are funny creatures.
Although I am one of them, I don't really behave like a girl (well, a typical desi girl, hehehe).
I don't know if this is true of white, black, yellow, orange, purple and pink girls but tis definately true of the brown girls I have had the misfortune to know in the past. The white folk I know find it hard to understand how strange desi girls really are and that I only have one brown friend who is a girl.
Anyway, back to the matter at a hand, looking at it from a young G's perspective, desi girls are strange when it comes to guys.
Most of the time they cuss guys about how they try coming over to them and chatting them up and thus are very "Miss Independent" citing that they do not need guys to have a life, yet the SECOND a guy with money (aka his Dad's car) and "class" (he wears Rockport so he MUST have class as dem garmz ain't cheap) pays them attention, they are all over him like a rash and their territory has been marked (well, only if the guy likes being pissed on). From that time onwards, guys are the best thing since sliced bread, they can do no wrong, funny how fast these girls forget their modern day suffragette-isms, simply because they are getting some.
Then comes the time when the guy is pissed off with the constant phoning to see what he is doing, the constant need to ring and find out how he is every 5 minutes and the constant need to see him to make sure he isn't trying it on with another bird (because trust is only one way in a desi relationship you see, the guy MUST trust the girl, yet the girl can be as suspicious of the guy as she sees fit).
So the guy wants to break it off because she is too possessive (never! Where the hell did he get an idea like that from?!), the girl becomes either stone faced or totally loses all self respect for herself and begs him to stay with her, which he won't do because he is getting bare gash at nex manz yard, init geez. Anywho, guy ends it, girl is upset.
Girl is in depression for days and days as she thinks this was the real thing, when in reality she is more angry at the fact that he won't be spending his money on her and she won't be getting any either.
Guy however, is out fucking other women, girl sits at home and starts getting angry at what has happened to her.
Girl remembers that she is Miss Independent and once again goes on her suffragette missions and tells the world that she doesnae need a guy to validate her existence.
Then some fly boy passes her driving his dad's car, blasting some sik chooons from his standard stereo and we are back to stage one as described above.
What I don't understand is, if you are going to paint yourself as a man hater, then stick to that, every time I have gotten out of a bad relationship, the love for men has always been there (but maybe that's because I am easy and have no morals, unlike the girls in the story mentioned above), so I'm not lying to myself like these girls are. Tis funny how in this day and age, a fast car (which isn't even HIS) can get a girl's knickers off quicker than any concoction of words, actions or drinks.
Although I am one of them, I don't really behave like a girl (well, a typical desi girl, hehehe).
I don't know if this is true of white, black, yellow, orange, purple and pink girls but tis definately true of the brown girls I have had the misfortune to know in the past. The white folk I know find it hard to understand how strange desi girls really are and that I only have one brown friend who is a girl.
Anyway, back to the matter at a hand, looking at it from a young G's perspective, desi girls are strange when it comes to guys.
Most of the time they cuss guys about how they try coming over to them and chatting them up and thus are very "Miss Independent" citing that they do not need guys to have a life, yet the SECOND a guy with money (aka his Dad's car) and "class" (he wears Rockport so he MUST have class as dem garmz ain't cheap) pays them attention, they are all over him like a rash and their territory has been marked (well, only if the guy likes being pissed on). From that time onwards, guys are the best thing since sliced bread, they can do no wrong, funny how fast these girls forget their modern day suffragette-isms, simply because they are getting some.
Then comes the time when the guy is pissed off with the constant phoning to see what he is doing, the constant need to ring and find out how he is every 5 minutes and the constant need to see him to make sure he isn't trying it on with another bird (because trust is only one way in a desi relationship you see, the guy MUST trust the girl, yet the girl can be as suspicious of the guy as she sees fit).
So the guy wants to break it off because she is too possessive (never! Where the hell did he get an idea like that from?!), the girl becomes either stone faced or totally loses all self respect for herself and begs him to stay with her, which he won't do because he is getting bare gash at nex manz yard, init geez. Anywho, guy ends it, girl is upset.
Girl is in depression for days and days as she thinks this was the real thing, when in reality she is more angry at the fact that he won't be spending his money on her and she won't be getting any either.
Guy however, is out fucking other women, girl sits at home and starts getting angry at what has happened to her.
Girl remembers that she is Miss Independent and once again goes on her suffragette missions and tells the world that she doesnae need a guy to validate her existence.
Then some fly boy passes her driving his dad's car, blasting some sik chooons from his standard stereo and we are back to stage one as described above.
What I don't understand is, if you are going to paint yourself as a man hater, then stick to that, every time I have gotten out of a bad relationship, the love for men has always been there (but maybe that's because I am easy and have no morals, unlike the girls in the story mentioned above), so I'm not lying to myself like these girls are. Tis funny how in this day and age, a fast car (which isn't even HIS) can get a girl's knickers off quicker than any concoction of words, actions or drinks.
desi girls,
double standards,
read this
The Verve have reformed.
Hopefully it mellows out the man Richard again.
This is all.
You know someone has made a fucking wicked album when you are still listening to it more than 10 years after it was made and it loses none of the shine it had the first time you heard it. There is only one album I can say that about..
Hopefully it mellows out the man Richard again.
This is all.
You know someone has made a fucking wicked album when you are still listening to it more than 10 years after it was made and it loses none of the shine it had the first time you heard it. There is only one album I can say that about..
Life without speakers
Tis crappeth.
Especially now as I am home alone and have no music which I can listen out loud to, damn it!
All I have had to survive on all week is earphone sex and I cannae do that with everyone, I'm not easy!
I ventured under my desk to find the leads and stuff and that was fruitless, I shall have to wait til someone *ahem* can come help me.
The weather too is strange, woke up and twas nice and sunny, then it got overcast-ish, then it got worse and it pissed it down, it looked like snow, now tis sunny again.
Fancy going shopping later, might go to Haymarket and see what's going on there, what with the car and the bombing and all.
Especially now as I am home alone and have no music which I can listen out loud to, damn it!
All I have had to survive on all week is earphone sex and I cannae do that with everyone, I'm not easy!
I ventured under my desk to find the leads and stuff and that was fruitless, I shall have to wait til someone *ahem* can come help me.
The weather too is strange, woke up and twas nice and sunny, then it got overcast-ish, then it got worse and it pissed it down, it looked like snow, now tis sunny again.
Fancy going shopping later, might go to Haymarket and see what's going on there, what with the car and the bombing and all.
Stuart McGurk
Hehe...I love this man, though that sentiment may be a bit empty seeing as I have read only one of his articles, but if a girl can say that after reading just ONE, there must be some truth in the sentiment.
Last night I was on the way to the bowling alley and I was reading an article written in the London Paper by a man (Mr McGurk) about Gillian McKeith and I was ecstatic at what he was saying. The majority of men that I know seem to think that the GMK diet is an easy way to lose weight, it is not. I have tried it and I gave up after a week or so, she claims to let you eat an abundance of food and on the TV all the food looks lovely, well I am sure everyone has head the old adage "don't judge a book by it's cover", this surely applies here. I decided to follow her diet for six weeks and after the second week I had enough and was craving salad, of all things, SALAD! That alone must show you how crappy her diet is, everything you are told you can eat is lacking in flavour and colour. That's another thing, on the TV the food looks bright and lovely to eat, the reality is totally different, the food fills you up but tastes like crap, I do believe this is how you lose the weight (no taste-no calories hehehe). Anywho, back to what was written by Mr McGurk (who by the way, I have a good mind to e-mail, if for nothing else but to express my joy that there is at least ONE man out there with some sense).
Now, to the article itself, I read it as I often do, to see what is decent on the TV. I didn't actually see the show and am quite glad I didn't, I don't understand who she thinks she is, she isn't even a doctor (as is mentioned in my favourite paragraph of the article) and why anybody would want to look like her is beyond me. Photoshop is definately her best friend, I have her book and in that she doth look stunning but seeing her in real time, she looks terrible, when the light is on her face you can see how ravaged it is. Everyone knows that eating crap 24/7 is going to kill you, we do not need someone telling us that we are going to die if we keep doing it. Plus, she thinks that by being rude she is becoming the self modelled Simon Cowell of food. She fails to realise that unlike her, Simon actually has stats and money to back up his statements, and (as the article says) "why on earth anyone would want to follow the diet advice from a "nutriotinist" who had to drop her spurious "Dr" title and looks like a shrivelled, freeze-dried chipmunk is anyone's guess". There is no need at all for her to be this rude to people and I am surprised that people are still willing to go on national TV and be ridiculed by a woman who looks like GMK does. If she truly were healthy, why would her face be so warped looking? Do you people not think about that? It is not hard to lose weight yourself without having some "chipmunk" take the piss out of you, and as the article mentioned, she does have a great fondness for shit inspection. I know a lot of people who have lost weight and not once have they needed to have their shit examined. The woman is strange!
Mr McGurk, I commend thee!
Last night I was on the way to the bowling alley and I was reading an article written in the London Paper by a man (Mr McGurk) about Gillian McKeith and I was ecstatic at what he was saying. The majority of men that I know seem to think that the GMK diet is an easy way to lose weight, it is not. I have tried it and I gave up after a week or so, she claims to let you eat an abundance of food and on the TV all the food looks lovely, well I am sure everyone has head the old adage "don't judge a book by it's cover", this surely applies here. I decided to follow her diet for six weeks and after the second week I had enough and was craving salad, of all things, SALAD! That alone must show you how crappy her diet is, everything you are told you can eat is lacking in flavour and colour. That's another thing, on the TV the food looks bright and lovely to eat, the reality is totally different, the food fills you up but tastes like crap, I do believe this is how you lose the weight (no taste-no calories hehehe). Anywho, back to what was written by Mr McGurk (who by the way, I have a good mind to e-mail, if for nothing else but to express my joy that there is at least ONE man out there with some sense).
Now, to the article itself, I read it as I often do, to see what is decent on the TV. I didn't actually see the show and am quite glad I didn't, I don't understand who she thinks she is, she isn't even a doctor (as is mentioned in my favourite paragraph of the article) and why anybody would want to look like her is beyond me. Photoshop is definately her best friend, I have her book and in that she doth look stunning but seeing her in real time, she looks terrible, when the light is on her face you can see how ravaged it is. Everyone knows that eating crap 24/7 is going to kill you, we do not need someone telling us that we are going to die if we keep doing it. Plus, she thinks that by being rude she is becoming the self modelled Simon Cowell of food. She fails to realise that unlike her, Simon actually has stats and money to back up his statements, and (as the article says) "why on earth anyone would want to follow the diet advice from a "nutriotinist" who had to drop her spurious "Dr" title and looks like a shrivelled, freeze-dried chipmunk is anyone's guess". There is no need at all for her to be this rude to people and I am surprised that people are still willing to go on national TV and be ridiculed by a woman who looks like GMK does. If she truly were healthy, why would her face be so warped looking? Do you people not think about that? It is not hard to lose weight yourself without having some "chipmunk" take the piss out of you, and as the article mentioned, she does have a great fondness for shit inspection. I know a lot of people who have lost weight and not once have they needed to have their shit examined. The woman is strange!
Mr McGurk, I commend thee!
a man speaking sense,
read this
This upsets me..
How does a prime minister leave the job?
WHO, WHAT, WHY? The Magazine answers...
Tony Blair officially steps down as prime minister on Wednesday and Gordon Brown takes over. But how is it done?
He might not formally step down as prime minister until 27 June, but Tony Blair and his family have been preparing to leave Downing Street for weeks.
Packing cases have been going in and out of the flat above No 11 Downing Street, where they have lived for a decade.
He visits the Queen to hand back the seals of office
But how does Mr Blair actually hand over power to the new prime minister, Gordon Brown?
As with most things in public life the handover involves ritual, but little is known about it and officials have refused to comment on the details of Mr Blair's departure.
However, Cabinet documents on Harold Wilson's departure in 1976 - released last year by the National Archives - detail some of the ceremony involved.
The usual timetable of events starts the night before the last day. Most PMs dine with the Queen on their last night in office, but it is thought Mr Blair will break with this tradition.
When he wakes up on Wednesday Mr Blair will have the morning to tie up loose ends. Shortly before midday he will travel in the prime ministerial limousine to Parliament to take his last Prime Minister's Questions (PMQs).
Mr Blair has decided to make this his final appearance but he will still be asked the time-honoured question: "Will he list his official engagements for Wednesday, 27th June?" The list will be short.
WHO, WHAT, WHY? A regular part of the BBC News Magazine, Who, What, Why? aims to answer some of the questions behind the headlines
When PMQs finishes, half an hour later, Mr Blair will return to Downing Street to say goodbye to staff.
From there he will be carried in the limousine for the last time to Buckingham Palace to see the Queen to resign his post and hand back the seals of office.
He is then just MP for Sedgefield and is no longer Labour leader or prime minister. He then leaves the palace in a different car, not the prime ministerial limousine.
As soon as he has left, Mr Brown and his wife, Sarah, will be summoned to the palace to be invited by her majesty to form the next government. He will be presented with the seals of office and officially become both Labour leader and prime minister.
Afterwards the couple return to Downing Street in the limousine left behind by Mr Blair, to take up residency at No 10.
WHO, WHAT, WHY? The Magazine answers...
Tony Blair officially steps down as prime minister on Wednesday and Gordon Brown takes over. But how is it done?
He might not formally step down as prime minister until 27 June, but Tony Blair and his family have been preparing to leave Downing Street for weeks.
Packing cases have been going in and out of the flat above No 11 Downing Street, where they have lived for a decade.
He visits the Queen to hand back the seals of office
But how does Mr Blair actually hand over power to the new prime minister, Gordon Brown?
As with most things in public life the handover involves ritual, but little is known about it and officials have refused to comment on the details of Mr Blair's departure.
However, Cabinet documents on Harold Wilson's departure in 1976 - released last year by the National Archives - detail some of the ceremony involved.
The usual timetable of events starts the night before the last day. Most PMs dine with the Queen on their last night in office, but it is thought Mr Blair will break with this tradition.
When he wakes up on Wednesday Mr Blair will have the morning to tie up loose ends. Shortly before midday he will travel in the prime ministerial limousine to Parliament to take his last Prime Minister's Questions (PMQs).
Mr Blair has decided to make this his final appearance but he will still be asked the time-honoured question: "Will he list his official engagements for Wednesday, 27th June?" The list will be short.
WHO, WHAT, WHY? A regular part of the BBC News Magazine, Who, What, Why? aims to answer some of the questions behind the headlines
When PMQs finishes, half an hour later, Mr Blair will return to Downing Street to say goodbye to staff.
From there he will be carried in the limousine for the last time to Buckingham Palace to see the Queen to resign his post and hand back the seals of office.
He is then just MP for Sedgefield and is no longer Labour leader or prime minister. He then leaves the palace in a different car, not the prime ministerial limousine.
As soon as he has left, Mr Brown and his wife, Sarah, will be summoned to the palace to be invited by her majesty to form the next government. He will be presented with the seals of office and officially become both Labour leader and prime minister.
Afterwards the couple return to Downing Street in the limousine left behind by Mr Blair, to take up residency at No 10.
prime minister,
tony blair
Gordon Ramsey
This man is a joke, professionally.
Not only is he a joke, he is also a sell-out of the highest degree.
I never understood why he didn't like Ainsley Harriot and Antony Worrall Thomson, now I do.
I remember back in the day when he had his first programme on TV and he was seen as a real fresh face, a break from the staged cheffery (tis a word I swear), he swore like you do when you're under pressure and if you fucked it up, he told you as much.
Then he got his other show, then he got famous.
I remember him saying back when he was unfamous that when he became famous he would never sell out and be in ads for certain cooking utensils and that he would never write any books like the two gentlemen mentioned above.
Seems to me that Gordy should have kept his mouth shut as this is exactly what he has done, I have seen him in an ad for a very masculine kitchen commodity..teacups. He has also released numerous cooking books and he still admonishes the two gentleman above (and many others) for doing the same.
Maybe next time Gordon, you should keep your mouth shut, but oh no, God forbid you do that as you are all about the showmanship, the "I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about me, I swear, I'm a hard man..who cooks".
His swearing might have been refreshing back in the day when cooking was full of politeness and Delia Smith and her cardigans but now his jig is up, it is clear to anyone who is human and above the age of 14 that he swears for effect, it is no longer believable, I liken his show to watching films like Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, whereby a mockney writes something which he thinks is a true representation of gangster life, nobody, not even gangsters swear that much, it is so very clearly overly written and comical (thus, why I love these films so).
Gordon presents himself as such a hardman by the flagrant use of swearing, I think it is a cover for him being a sensitive man in reality. I have been watching the F Word as I have been forced to watch it and Gordon is unable to do the following "hard man" things:
Not only is he a joke, he is also a sell-out of the highest degree.
I never understood why he didn't like Ainsley Harriot and Antony Worrall Thomson, now I do.
I remember back in the day when he had his first programme on TV and he was seen as a real fresh face, a break from the staged cheffery (tis a word I swear), he swore like you do when you're under pressure and if you fucked it up, he told you as much.
Then he got his other show, then he got famous.
I remember him saying back when he was unfamous that when he became famous he would never sell out and be in ads for certain cooking utensils and that he would never write any books like the two gentlemen mentioned above.
Seems to me that Gordy should have kept his mouth shut as this is exactly what he has done, I have seen him in an ad for a very masculine kitchen commodity..teacups. He has also released numerous cooking books and he still admonishes the two gentleman above (and many others) for doing the same.
Maybe next time Gordon, you should keep your mouth shut, but oh no, God forbid you do that as you are all about the showmanship, the "I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about me, I swear, I'm a hard man..who cooks".
His swearing might have been refreshing back in the day when cooking was full of politeness and Delia Smith and her cardigans but now his jig is up, it is clear to anyone who is human and above the age of 14 that he swears for effect, it is no longer believable, I liken his show to watching films like Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, whereby a mockney writes something which he thinks is a true representation of gangster life, nobody, not even gangsters swear that much, it is so very clearly overly written and comical (thus, why I love these films so).
Gordon presents himself as such a hardman by the flagrant use of swearing, I think it is a cover for him being a sensitive man in reality. I have been watching the F Word as I have been forced to watch it and Gordon is unable to do the following "hard man" things:
- (I have waited an age to use a bullet point list so I feel I am justified in using one to get this point across)
- DIY, he couldn't even nail felt to a fucking roof and even I can fucking do that, and I'm a fucking girl! (see, I'm getting into Gordon mode)
- Shoot a deer, he acted the big man when it came time to do it and he even brought the carcass of a deer into his restaurant which, may I just point out must go against every single health and safety regulation there is. When it was time for action, he couldn't man up
- Other things shall be added once I remember or am reminded by Simon
double standards,
Gordon Ramsey,
I have a great deal of respect for certain people, there are two people in this world who I respect beyond everyone else, even though we do have our differences. These two people are my parents, it amazes me to see how far they have come from when they got married to where they are now, I am seriously in awe at all they have achieved, both in their private life and their professional achievements. They are the two people who remind me (even though they do not know it) that no matter how hard something is to do, there is always someone who is in a worse position than yourself and also that once you do this problematic "thing" you will realise that there is no limit to what you can do, and that from that point in, the sky is the limit.
Anyway, this isn't about them, this is about another person who I know and also love and respect greatly. I used to respect her beforehand but after what she has done recently, the respect I have for her has skyrocketed, she will never ever know how much I respect her for what she is doing and what a true fucking legend she is. To show the power of mind and body that she has shown in the adversity faced by her is truly amazing and I feel that lesser people would not be able to have done as she has done, I in fact know, that people faced with what she suffered from for 20 odd years would have just taken it like an idiot, but not her! This is why she commands so much respect from me, tis just a shame she will never know the high regards that I hold her in as words cannot express the respect I have for a person like her, what she has achieved in the past few months is a testament to women everywhere who think that they cannot rise up against the crap that they have to face on a daily basis because society will shun them. To those women I say FUCK SOCIETY, make yourself happy and only yourself, when the day of reckoning comes, you will be judged only on how YOU lived your life, not what society thought of you, why waste a lifetime doing what others want, waiting for the day to come when you can please yourself? You know that day will never come, life is truly for the living and live it for yourself and those you love. It doesn't matter if society thinks you're bringing shame on your family, who are they tell you what shame is and what shame is not? They aren't living back in India/Pakistan anymore, you move to a Western country and you integrate into the society. So, make yourself happy, if you are happy in your heart and those you love are happy, that is all that matters, if those around you (for whose opinions you do not care) do not like what you do, FUCK THEM. This is the single greatest problem within Indian/Pakistani families and cultures, you have to at all times think of the "honour" of the family, thus you take the beatings and the crap that your husband's family throw at you because if you DARE rise up and say you aren't going to take it anymore, you are seen as a outsider.
I truly believe in power to the people and that you really DO need to fight for your right to par-tay. Why should you live in fear of being beaten up because the "elders" think it is fine? There is reason that domestic abuse is a crime in this country, I know of instances where a husband has killed his wife whilst his parents sat around letting that happen, I would like to ask these elders one question, would you let your daughter take that kinda beating? NO, I didn't think so, so why is it OK for someone else's daughter to go through the same shit? One other thing I don't get about the old school Asian community at large, they look down on divorcees because they must have done something wrong. The prefer you to be married and getting beats and being unhappy, why is it acceptable for a husband to beat a woman infront of her children, yet it is not OK for the women to live alone and be safe? Those who judge people on face value should take a long hard look at themselves as it is people like them who legitimise women getting beatings, the women become too scared to leave because they are worried what society would say, to these women I say stand up for yourself, do what the superwoman mentioned above has done, break free from it! Society think it is fine to cast judgment on you, let them live ONE DAY in your life and they will soon change their minds.
Anyway, this isn't about them, this is about another person who I know and also love and respect greatly. I used to respect her beforehand but after what she has done recently, the respect I have for her has skyrocketed, she will never ever know how much I respect her for what she is doing and what a true fucking legend she is. To show the power of mind and body that she has shown in the adversity faced by her is truly amazing and I feel that lesser people would not be able to have done as she has done, I in fact know, that people faced with what she suffered from for 20 odd years would have just taken it like an idiot, but not her! This is why she commands so much respect from me, tis just a shame she will never know the high regards that I hold her in as words cannot express the respect I have for a person like her, what she has achieved in the past few months is a testament to women everywhere who think that they cannot rise up against the crap that they have to face on a daily basis because society will shun them. To those women I say FUCK SOCIETY, make yourself happy and only yourself, when the day of reckoning comes, you will be judged only on how YOU lived your life, not what society thought of you, why waste a lifetime doing what others want, waiting for the day to come when you can please yourself? You know that day will never come, life is truly for the living and live it for yourself and those you love. It doesn't matter if society thinks you're bringing shame on your family, who are they tell you what shame is and what shame is not? They aren't living back in India/Pakistan anymore, you move to a Western country and you integrate into the society. So, make yourself happy, if you are happy in your heart and those you love are happy, that is all that matters, if those around you (for whose opinions you do not care) do not like what you do, FUCK THEM. This is the single greatest problem within Indian/Pakistani families and cultures, you have to at all times think of the "honour" of the family, thus you take the beatings and the crap that your husband's family throw at you because if you DARE rise up and say you aren't going to take it anymore, you are seen as a outsider.
I truly believe in power to the people and that you really DO need to fight for your right to par-tay. Why should you live in fear of being beaten up because the "elders" think it is fine? There is reason that domestic abuse is a crime in this country, I know of instances where a husband has killed his wife whilst his parents sat around letting that happen, I would like to ask these elders one question, would you let your daughter take that kinda beating? NO, I didn't think so, so why is it OK for someone else's daughter to go through the same shit? One other thing I don't get about the old school Asian community at large, they look down on divorcees because they must have done something wrong. The prefer you to be married and getting beats and being unhappy, why is it acceptable for a husband to beat a woman infront of her children, yet it is not OK for the women to live alone and be safe? Those who judge people on face value should take a long hard look at themselves as it is people like them who legitimise women getting beatings, the women become too scared to leave because they are worried what society would say, to these women I say stand up for yourself, do what the superwoman mentioned above has done, break free from it! Society think it is fine to cast judgment on you, let them live ONE DAY in your life and they will soon change their minds.
domestic abuse,
double standards,
read this
Talk about timing
I am SO doing that.
Time to drag out my mate Akaaaaaaaaaaaaash and go photo taking.
I shall have to read up a bit more on my photography books but I think I have improved a lot since when I first started.
Currently reading A History of Modern Britain by Andrew Marr, I have always had an interest in how the country became what it is today and this book answers those questions brilliantly.
Next object to establish: How did Britain get a class system? How did the first middle classes realise they were middle class? What did they do/have that the working classes did not? Obviously the answer is riches but if they could ascertain riches, why couldn't the rest of the country? Is it the fault of the monarchy?
I am SO doing that.
Time to drag out my mate Akaaaaaaaaaaaaash and go photo taking.
I shall have to read up a bit more on my photography books but I think I have improved a lot since when I first started.
Currently reading A History of Modern Britain by Andrew Marr, I have always had an interest in how the country became what it is today and this book answers those questions brilliantly.
Next object to establish: How did Britain get a class system? How did the first middle classes realise they were middle class? What did they do/have that the working classes did not? Obviously the answer is riches but if they could ascertain riches, why couldn't the rest of the country? Is it the fault of the monarchy?
my every day life,
photography help
(Blow)Job Offers
So I got a job offer, they want to pay me peanuts and I am too nice to say no, something must be done!
.jpg)
Also, I need to get my hair cut but I want to keep the length and get layers as I love the way it swishes, must go see some coiffeurs and see what they think.
My hair is currently like this..
.jpg)
Well, tis a bit longer now (about 1 inch) and I want to keep it that long but get layers so it looks like I have a bob when I tie the longer bits up, but then I can undo it and it all falls into place.
Going shoppeng tomorrow!
my every day life,
photography help
Being a child/Dreams/Excellent teachers
I have rambled/ranted enough for today so now I think I should write about something more positive.
When I was younger I was a pretty strange child, all of kids at school and down my street were strange by comparison to the sheep children of today, we all had our little quirks, mine was getting cherry stones stuck up my nose and running away from home but returning for lunch and dinner, a boy I went to school with, Ross Armstrong used to slide worms up his nose and then eat them, we'd be carted away by the Social now for having parents who weren't raising us properly. Back then, being a kid was actually fun, you could go out all day unsupervised without the worry of someone abducting you. It strikes me as ironic that the more society opens up to things that used to be seen as dangerous and risque, the more "bad" stuff happens, e.g. society is now a lot more open than it used to be about matters such as sex and yet troubles are increasing, is it worth reverting back to how things were in my childhood? Is the safety of people more valued than the freedom of people? Tis probably the Human Rights Act which made the decision for us. Anyway, being a kid in the late 80's/early 90's was probably one of the best times to be a kid, money was scarce due to many reasons and so you made your own fun. Me and my brother used to stay out in the street until it got dark and there was no fear that someone would kidnap us, the house door used to be wide open and the house was never burgled.
Anyway, times changed and people get older, you start dreaming about what you're going to be when you grow up and then you realise what you really can be.
This is the time that you need to understand that no matter how extravagant your dreams are, HANG ON TO THEM, after all, dreams DO come true, DO NOT EVER EVER EVER EVER BE AFRAID TO DREAM, even if the other children laugh at you (though they seldom do, it is normally the adults who sneer, and tis usually those who have own unfulfilled dreams). When I was 15, I dreamt about studying law and making some decent money and being able to financially aid my mother and father, my whole family laughed at me and that really hurt me as back then we were a secure unit.
Anyway, it was when doing my GCSE's that I met the greatest teacher I have ever had, Mr John Faherty, if there is a Nobel Peace Prize or something for teachers, he should get it. This man is a leg-end and it is thanks solely to him that I am where I am today. It is because of his teaching that I see the world in the way that I do today, it's thanks to him that I am a staunch Marxist (hehehehe) and more importantly it is this man who taught me that you should never ever be afraid to dream, that there is no limit to the human mind other than that put on it by humans, and for this lesson I am truly eternally grateful. If it was not for this man, I would probably be doing something I hated.
Now I am 23 and I have achieved everything I wanted to achieve as a spotty faced 15 year old and then some, and my family still have no respect for me, but they do not realise that I am not a fool, for it is not their respect which I want, I want nothing from them and if all they can do is criticise me and laugh at me, that is their choice for it is that constant non belief in me that pushes me further to prove them wrong, as long as I have the respect of my mother, father and brother I am a happy bunny. The opinions of people for whom I have no respect do not matter to me, for you can call me whatever you wish to call me, I do not recall you being named God and it is only he who is allowed to judge the actions of us mere mortals and take action accordingly so your judgments hold no water with me at all.
When I was younger I was a pretty strange child, all of kids at school and down my street were strange by comparison to the sheep children of today, we all had our little quirks, mine was getting cherry stones stuck up my nose and running away from home but returning for lunch and dinner, a boy I went to school with, Ross Armstrong used to slide worms up his nose and then eat them, we'd be carted away by the Social now for having parents who weren't raising us properly. Back then, being a kid was actually fun, you could go out all day unsupervised without the worry of someone abducting you. It strikes me as ironic that the more society opens up to things that used to be seen as dangerous and risque, the more "bad" stuff happens, e.g. society is now a lot more open than it used to be about matters such as sex and yet troubles are increasing, is it worth reverting back to how things were in my childhood? Is the safety of people more valued than the freedom of people? Tis probably the Human Rights Act which made the decision for us. Anyway, being a kid in the late 80's/early 90's was probably one of the best times to be a kid, money was scarce due to many reasons and so you made your own fun. Me and my brother used to stay out in the street until it got dark and there was no fear that someone would kidnap us, the house door used to be wide open and the house was never burgled.
Anyway, times changed and people get older, you start dreaming about what you're going to be when you grow up and then you realise what you really can be.
This is the time that you need to understand that no matter how extravagant your dreams are, HANG ON TO THEM, after all, dreams DO come true, DO NOT EVER EVER EVER EVER BE AFRAID TO DREAM, even if the other children laugh at you (though they seldom do, it is normally the adults who sneer, and tis usually those who have own unfulfilled dreams). When I was 15, I dreamt about studying law and making some decent money and being able to financially aid my mother and father, my whole family laughed at me and that really hurt me as back then we were a secure unit.
Anyway, it was when doing my GCSE's that I met the greatest teacher I have ever had, Mr John Faherty, if there is a Nobel Peace Prize or something for teachers, he should get it. This man is a leg-end and it is thanks solely to him that I am where I am today. It is because of his teaching that I see the world in the way that I do today, it's thanks to him that I am a staunch Marxist (hehehehe) and more importantly it is this man who taught me that you should never ever be afraid to dream, that there is no limit to the human mind other than that put on it by humans, and for this lesson I am truly eternally grateful. If it was not for this man, I would probably be doing something I hated.
Now I am 23 and I have achieved everything I wanted to achieve as a spotty faced 15 year old and then some, and my family still have no respect for me, but they do not realise that I am not a fool, for it is not their respect which I want, I want nothing from them and if all they can do is criticise me and laugh at me, that is their choice for it is that constant non belief in me that pushes me further to prove them wrong, as long as I have the respect of my mother, father and brother I am a happy bunny. The opinions of people for whom I have no respect do not matter to me, for you can call me whatever you wish to call me, I do not recall you being named God and it is only he who is allowed to judge the actions of us mere mortals and take action accordingly so your judgments hold no water with me at all.
Some people
Should really shut up if they don't wish to hear home truths.
Why are you being so brave when you KNOW that your own family ain't so perfect?
If I was you, I'd keep it zipped because someone could turn around and pick VALID faults about you.
Don't meddle in the business of other folk until your own life is perfect, idiot.
Funny how I am seen as being repressed by my parents because my hair is long and your hair is cut, stupid arse, maybe I am trying to grow it? And if I was you, I wouldn't be talking about being repressed, at least my parents allowed me out of the house when I was at uni. I shant type any more about YOU, as you personally aren't worth the effort.
Meh, live your life how you wish to live it and stop complaining about what I do. Do I complain about how other people run their affairs? No, because I have enough trouble trying to run my own, implicit in that is the fact that I do have affairs. Unlike you. Typical repressed Indian housewife acting like she has a life, must be a sad existence, haha, I would like to see how you would cope if you actually did have a life. "Let me shop from home because I'm rich and can't mix with the poor who shop in supermarkets", tis always those who show off the most that have something to hide.
God! Why was I born into a family where wankshaftery and dickheadness is the order of the day?
Why can't people just keep their traps shut and not cause problems for other people, what still gets me is how certain people have the cheek to spread shit about others and their own family situation is far from perfect, tis a lame attempt to curry favour with your own parents simply because you are unable to produce an heir, heh...your daughters will have a right time when they get older and realise that they are defect children, do you not think the outside world doesn't question why you have so many kids, none of whom can carry on your name? Heh, then you have the cheek to laugh at those who actually have kids to carry on their name, you keep on laughing, everyone knows the joke is on you.
There is one person who I respect immensly, she has well and truly fought for her right to party and I commend her for doing so, I only wish she had been stronger to do it before but I am so happy she has finally emancipated herself, she knows who she is and she also knows that I will love her for life, her and her gorgeous kids.
Why are you being so brave when you KNOW that your own family ain't so perfect?
If I was you, I'd keep it zipped because someone could turn around and pick VALID faults about you.
Don't meddle in the business of other folk until your own life is perfect, idiot.
Funny how I am seen as being repressed by my parents because my hair is long and your hair is cut, stupid arse, maybe I am trying to grow it? And if I was you, I wouldn't be talking about being repressed, at least my parents allowed me out of the house when I was at uni. I shant type any more about YOU, as you personally aren't worth the effort.
Meh, live your life how you wish to live it and stop complaining about what I do. Do I complain about how other people run their affairs? No, because I have enough trouble trying to run my own, implicit in that is the fact that I do have affairs. Unlike you. Typical repressed Indian housewife acting like she has a life, must be a sad existence, haha, I would like to see how you would cope if you actually did have a life. "Let me shop from home because I'm rich and can't mix with the poor who shop in supermarkets", tis always those who show off the most that have something to hide.
God! Why was I born into a family where wankshaftery and dickheadness is the order of the day?
Why can't people just keep their traps shut and not cause problems for other people, what still gets me is how certain people have the cheek to spread shit about others and their own family situation is far from perfect, tis a lame attempt to curry favour with your own parents simply because you are unable to produce an heir, heh...your daughters will have a right time when they get older and realise that they are defect children, do you not think the outside world doesn't question why you have so many kids, none of whom can carry on your name? Heh, then you have the cheek to laugh at those who actually have kids to carry on their name, you keep on laughing, everyone knows the joke is on you.
There is one person who I respect immensly, she has well and truly fought for her right to party and I commend her for doing so, I only wish she had been stronger to do it before but I am so happy she has finally emancipated herself, she knows who she is and she also knows that I will love her for life, her and her gorgeous kids.
double standards,
Is it bruv?!
Why do some people think that making a list about stuff they do and do not do, makes them look "interesting"?
Wowee, let me write out a random list of stuff I like to do and then watch people come in and praise me for being what everyone else is, individual.
Also, why is it that the lists never contain boring stuff? Always the stuff that seems "eclectic" e.g. I like to chase orange bunnies, but only when there is a full moon.
Piss off with that crap, acting like you're special when you're just the same as the rest of us. It's funny how these people try and gain some kinda attention by being "normal" so they can claim that they aren't attention mongering.
My list is as follows:
Wowee, let me write out a random list of stuff I like to do and then watch people come in and praise me for being what everyone else is, individual.
Also, why is it that the lists never contain boring stuff? Always the stuff that seems "eclectic" e.g. I like to chase orange bunnies, but only when there is a full moon.
Piss off with that crap, acting like you're special when you're just the same as the rest of us. It's funny how these people try and gain some kinda attention by being "normal" so they can claim that they aren't attention mongering.
My list is as follows:
Junglist Massive

The resolution came out crappy, in the actual proper size you can see the dust on the screen, I think clicking it might show you what I mean.

Mi madre bought a new bag so I got a bit trigger happy.

Some religious thingy tied to my bed, I quite like the red and purple mixture so I tried to turn the contrast up high enough to show the shine of the bed too.

This one also comes out better when you click, but I changed the colours as twas quite a dark and dull picture so I dragged the colours out of the wood of my desk and the colours on the front of the magazine.

My skin is like soooooo white.
If you only read one thing in this here blog, then let this post be the one who gets your special attention.
This link is hi-larious.
If you only read one thing in this here blog, then let this post be the one who gets your special attention.
This link is hi-larious.
More camera shenanigans
So, I'm still in love with picture taking, have been snapping away more than David Bailey today and thus my batteries have run out and are being charged on up. I must admit that both reading the manual and listening to my mate has resulted in better pictures being taken but God forbid he find that out! Anywho, I didn't read the manual properly as I don't follow instructions, I made myself not understand it on purpose.
Anywho, I have one question, you have to turn the flash off when using it in macro "mode" but then what do you do when it gets dark? Stop taking pics?
I will upload some once the batteries charge.
I also need to straighten my hair and I am too lazy to do that, I think I look quite sexy with it curly, though someone who shall remain nameless DID say I bore a resemblance to Brian May.
Anywho, I have one question, you have to turn the flash off when using it in macro "mode" but then what do you do when it gets dark? Stop taking pics?
I will upload some once the batteries charge.
I also need to straighten my hair and I am too lazy to do that, I think I look quite sexy with it curly, though someone who shall remain nameless DID say I bore a resemblance to Brian May.
I'm getting spots! This isn't fair, I'm not a teenager anymore, why is this happening?
I have a cluster of about 3 on my forehead, one has been there for a week and they aren't going!
I will have to just wash my face, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo'eth.
I'm getting spots! This isn't fair, I'm not a teenager anymore, why is this happening?
I have a cluster of about 3 on my forehead, one has been there for a week and they aren't going!
I will have to just wash my face, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo'eth.
Insane in the Membrane

Heh, I love this drawing.
Anywho, to the matter at hand, last night I was reading my John Grisham book and I got a stiffy because it was nearly finished. Anyway, twas carefully balancing the book on the old boobage and I took my glasses off to clean them, something moved and the leg of the glasses rammed into my ear and I was in excrutiating pain for the whole blardy night, I hope I don't go deaf, I don't think I will though because the same thing happened to Simon when I was 16 and he was ok so I should be good.
Finally read the manual to my camera and the badboy is currently charging itself up, DECENT pics shall be taken tonight/tomorrow.
Plus, I think I want to modify one of my tattoos a bit, I want to get five stars on the top of the T I have on my ankleage, will have to get my very own designer to figure it out for me. This is what it currently looks like, well, my leg isn't that shiny, this is when it was freshly done, I want the stars curving down the top of the T, should look pretty decent hopefully.

I am currently reading Underworld by Don DeLillo, seems ok, though I have only read the first half page.
John Grisham,
photography help,
More photos
my every day life,
photography help
Photography take 2
Well I've got a photography bug and so I decided to do what everyone does when they need help, I googled it.
Came up with a pretty good !!SITE!! and have thus been snapping away, found some new features on this here camera of mine, it does sepia tones itself, and black and white, there was another feature which changed the outdoor setting but I can't find that anymore so I will have to go to the Sony website or read the manual if I can find it.
Anywho, photos taken so far..

Came up with a pretty good !!SITE!! and have thus been snapping away, found some new features on this here camera of mine, it does sepia tones itself, and black and white, there was another feature which changed the outdoor setting but I can't find that anymore so I will have to go to the Sony website or read the manual if I can find it.
Anywho, photos taken so far..

I tried to get under the shoe and it didn't really work out, more shall be posted later as the phone is ringing, talk about timing.
I quite liked this one, though there was a better version of it which I can't seem to find.
Shooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooes. These are the ones I had to wear yesterday due to my heeling activities of the day before.

Shooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooes. These are the ones I had to wear yesterday due to my heeling activities of the day before.
Friendship/The Joog
People underestimate how great friends are, everyone goes on about blood being thicker than water but I don't believe that, in my case I hold my friends in MUCH higher regards than I do most of my family. In fact, I sometimes wish that my friends were my family but hey..anwyho, the main topic of today's sermon is one of my bestest (yes, that's a real word) friends in the whole wide world..THE JOOG aka Jagdeep aka Juggy aka Joogi (international man of mystery is he) , the slaphead below is he, though he doesnae look like this in reality, he looks a lot funnier, and by that I don't mean that he has a rubber face, he looks likes a funny kinda guy (which he is).


Wannabe Paris Hilton! There tis a much funnier picture of him pouting but I no longer have that for some strange reason, also, there is a really eeeeeeeeeeeeeevil picture of him as a kid hehehe, a little baby (the hospital kinda pics..WHICH I DO NOT HAVE ONE OF!)
This guy is a leg-end, a bona fide, motherfucking LEG-END.
He is one of the funniest people I know (only 4 people fall into that category), whenever I feel like crap he ALWAYS makes me laugh, he is truly my brother from another mother and the love I have for him is equal to the love I have for my brothers (well duh).
I liken our relationship to that of Spongebob Squarepants and Squidward. Him being Squiddy, me being Bob. We are also very much like my two favourite men in comedy, Richard Richard and Eddie Hitler, The Joog even LOOKS like Eddie. He is eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil to me but I allow him to get away with it because he is a don. He claims that I look like Dora the Explorer and because I say the word "doi" a lot, he has christened me Doira the Explorer.
He is a bus driver and just yesterday he rear ended someone, hehe.. I will laugh about that forever, I always told him he had a big old arse and now we have proof! I have plans to get on his bus one day and cause havoc and he will be totally powerless, muwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha yeah, I am bad.
I bought him a cake once to say thank you for something and the fat git not only ate the whole cake himself, but he also stole my ice cream AND smeared my top with it (the top has NEVER been the same since). I cut the cake with a key because it was too big and it was at this stage he delivered one of his funniest lines ever (though it only works in that eating-cake-with-a-key situation). Ahh, he also pokes me in shops and makes farting noises so people think I'm letting rip when we all know that girls do not fart, he pokes me for the sake of paining me and he incessantly calls me in bookshops until I turn and pay him some attention, these are just a few of the reasons as to why I love him the way I do, he rocks my fucking socks. He got me interested in the music of Mr Hendrix though he now refuses to give me any more songs, git! The main reason I loves him so is because he bought me Scar Tissue by Antony Kiedis (though I still haven't finished reading it, sorry!)
Anywho Jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooger B Joooger, ye smelleth.
That is all.
This guy is a leg-end, a bona fide, motherfucking LEG-END.
He is one of the funniest people I know (only 4 people fall into that category), whenever I feel like crap he ALWAYS makes me laugh, he is truly my brother from another mother and the love I have for him is equal to the love I have for my brothers (well duh).
I liken our relationship to that of Spongebob Squarepants and Squidward. Him being Squiddy, me being Bob. We are also very much like my two favourite men in comedy, Richard Richard and Eddie Hitler, The Joog even LOOKS like Eddie. He is eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil to me but I allow him to get away with it because he is a don. He claims that I look like Dora the Explorer and because I say the word "doi" a lot, he has christened me Doira the Explorer.
He is a bus driver and just yesterday he rear ended someone, hehe.. I will laugh about that forever, I always told him he had a big old arse and now we have proof! I have plans to get on his bus one day and cause havoc and he will be totally powerless, muwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha yeah, I am bad.
I bought him a cake once to say thank you for something and the fat git not only ate the whole cake himself, but he also stole my ice cream AND smeared my top with it (the top has NEVER been the same since). I cut the cake with a key because it was too big and it was at this stage he delivered one of his funniest lines ever (though it only works in that eating-cake-with-a-key situation). Ahh, he also pokes me in shops and makes farting noises so people think I'm letting rip when we all know that girls do not fart, he pokes me for the sake of paining me and he incessantly calls me in bookshops until I turn and pay him some attention, these are just a few of the reasons as to why I love him the way I do, he rocks my fucking socks. He got me interested in the music of Mr Hendrix though he now refuses to give me any more songs, git! The main reason I loves him so is because he bought me Scar Tissue by Antony Kiedis (though I still haven't finished reading it, sorry!)
Anywho Jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooger B Joooger, ye smelleth.
That is all.
my every day life,
read this,
sheer greatness
Global Warming
Anyone who knows me is fully aware of how I like to rant and rave about this issue.
Another thing that gets me is world poverty and giving money to charity.
Now I'm not a Scrooge, I give money where I feel it is justified to give money but what I do not agree with is celebrities making me feel bad and thus trying to illicit funds from me when they themselves aren't giving any money. I would like to ask Bob Geldof and Bono how much they contribute to charity from their own pockets, it's all well and good them staging events like Live Aid and bringing famine to our attention but I do not agree with them making me feel like it's my DUTY to give money when I can barely fend for myself. I would also like to know how much the celebs who do Comic Relief give from their own pockets, it is all well and good advocating a cause but how hypocritical is it to tell someone to do something that you aren't doing yourself?
Also, they want to hold a gig to raise awareness of the problems we are having with global warming, did they not stop to think how much excess global warmth is going to be produced with the usage of all the musical equipment? And how are people going to get to this gig? Are they going to walk? Hell no, they will get in their cars, on the busses or on the trains and that too will cause even more pollution.
Prince Charles also annoys me, gallavanting around the world in his private jet and yet lecturing us mere mortals on how we should plan for the future. I saw on the news how his wife forgot something at home when she went on holiday and had the object flown directly to where she was, and these people are telling ME how to be more environmentally friendly?
It's highly ironic how it is the celebrities who are giving US tips on how to be more environmentally friendly yet it is them who are traipsing around the world on private jets, how many of us normal folk have a private jet at our disposal? Why should we be forced to walk to places to "save the planet" when the celebs and those in high society are able to go by plane/chaffeur driven car. If anything, it should be us tube commuters who tell the celebs how to save energy. We work out guts out just to get enough money to pay the rent and eat, if we have a few pence left over at the end of the month why SHOULDN'T we be able to use that money to travel in cars etc.. Atleast the bulk of us spend our own money.
I don't understand how they think they are justified in telling us what to do, just because they are famous does not mean that we will listen to them, we aren't teenagers anymore.
While I'm on my standard Wednesday morning rant, I would also like to complain about the state of the Underground. A 1-6 (peak) travelcard now costs somewhere in the region of 13 English pounds. What great service do we get for 13 pounds? Utter bollocks. You have to stand because the trains are so packed, you literally boil to death as despite the steep increase in travelling prices, Ken Livingstone still thinks that tubes do not need air conditioning and the tracks are very uneven, so much so that even the slightest bit of speed from the driver shakes every single carriage and the noise, the noise on the bakerloo line is deafening, the train chugs along and a screeching sound is heard, a sound which makes my ears bleed, I would not be surprised if someone went deaf after travelling on the Bakerloo line.
My question to the "Mayor" is this: Every year for the past 10 or so years the price of travelling on the tube has increased yet we have seen absolutely NO changes, there are always adverts up about how track safety is taking place etc...but how about fixing other things which make the ride so deliciously comfortable? I don't believe the excuse that there is no money to do this as there must be a tonne of people in each carriage in the morning and they have all paid the price to travel on the tube so changes could be made but instead people want to be paid extra for doing nothing.
All the tube users should one day abandon the tube and see how much money is lost by tfl.
Another thing that gets me is world poverty and giving money to charity.
Now I'm not a Scrooge, I give money where I feel it is justified to give money but what I do not agree with is celebrities making me feel bad and thus trying to illicit funds from me when they themselves aren't giving any money. I would like to ask Bob Geldof and Bono how much they contribute to charity from their own pockets, it's all well and good them staging events like Live Aid and bringing famine to our attention but I do not agree with them making me feel like it's my DUTY to give money when I can barely fend for myself. I would also like to know how much the celebs who do Comic Relief give from their own pockets, it is all well and good advocating a cause but how hypocritical is it to tell someone to do something that you aren't doing yourself?
Also, they want to hold a gig to raise awareness of the problems we are having with global warming, did they not stop to think how much excess global warmth is going to be produced with the usage of all the musical equipment? And how are people going to get to this gig? Are they going to walk? Hell no, they will get in their cars, on the busses or on the trains and that too will cause even more pollution.
Prince Charles also annoys me, gallavanting around the world in his private jet and yet lecturing us mere mortals on how we should plan for the future. I saw on the news how his wife forgot something at home when she went on holiday and had the object flown directly to where she was, and these people are telling ME how to be more environmentally friendly?
It's highly ironic how it is the celebrities who are giving US tips on how to be more environmentally friendly yet it is them who are traipsing around the world on private jets, how many of us normal folk have a private jet at our disposal? Why should we be forced to walk to places to "save the planet" when the celebs and those in high society are able to go by plane/chaffeur driven car. If anything, it should be us tube commuters who tell the celebs how to save energy. We work out guts out just to get enough money to pay the rent and eat, if we have a few pence left over at the end of the month why SHOULDN'T we be able to use that money to travel in cars etc.. Atleast the bulk of us spend our own money.
I don't understand how they think they are justified in telling us what to do, just because they are famous does not mean that we will listen to them, we aren't teenagers anymore.
While I'm on my standard Wednesday morning rant, I would also like to complain about the state of the Underground. A 1-6 (peak) travelcard now costs somewhere in the region of 13 English pounds. What great service do we get for 13 pounds? Utter bollocks. You have to stand because the trains are so packed, you literally boil to death as despite the steep increase in travelling prices, Ken Livingstone still thinks that tubes do not need air conditioning and the tracks are very uneven, so much so that even the slightest bit of speed from the driver shakes every single carriage and the noise, the noise on the bakerloo line is deafening, the train chugs along and a screeching sound is heard, a sound which makes my ears bleed, I would not be surprised if someone went deaf after travelling on the Bakerloo line.
My question to the "Mayor" is this: Every year for the past 10 or so years the price of travelling on the tube has increased yet we have seen absolutely NO changes, there are always adverts up about how track safety is taking place etc...but how about fixing other things which make the ride so deliciously comfortable? I don't believe the excuse that there is no money to do this as there must be a tonne of people in each carriage in the morning and they have all paid the price to travel on the tube so changes could be made but instead people want to be paid extra for doing nothing.
All the tube users should one day abandon the tube and see how much money is lost by tfl.
attention whores,
climate change,
double standards,
global warming,
Market Shopper
I'm going to the market back home tomorrow, I havnae been for ages and I'm very excited aboot it.
Ahh..to be money savvy.
I must charge and also update my iPod but I am so unbelievably lazy.
Ahh..to be money savvy.
I must charge and also update my iPod but I am so unbelievably lazy.
my every day life
It's toooo hot
I tried to read a book in the shower today, it didn't work, I thought I would balance the book under the shower head and we would be in business but alas, twas difficult.
The book is currently in my window, drying out as the pages are soaked, I am a bit annoyed because I wanted to carry on reading it as I currently have a John Grisham bug. This book is supposedly meant to shock people and show them how lax the system of law is but nothing in it surprises me.
Had to wear different shoes out today as my blister prevented me from wearing my heels, and I had a shower which was disastrous as not only did my book get wet but as I was taking off the blister plaster, it RIPPED the blister, oh man, twas the worst pain I have ever felt in my life, actually I lie, the worst pain I have ever felt is when I fell down that step, bejaysus! That was nearly the end of me.
Came home and was (and still am, shattered), watched these two geniuses on DVD:

Me and my mate were messing around on the tube today and a "gentleman" decided to berate us and called us ignoramuses, to which I replied "Don't you mean ignorami? Oh educated one!"
Wankers like that annoy me, they act clever when they aren't, if you don't know something, don't profess to know it.
The book is currently in my window, drying out as the pages are soaked, I am a bit annoyed because I wanted to carry on reading it as I currently have a John Grisham bug. This book is supposedly meant to shock people and show them how lax the system of law is but nothing in it surprises me.
Had to wear different shoes out today as my blister prevented me from wearing my heels, and I had a shower which was disastrous as not only did my book get wet but as I was taking off the blister plaster, it RIPPED the blister, oh man, twas the worst pain I have ever felt in my life, actually I lie, the worst pain I have ever felt is when I fell down that step, bejaysus! That was nearly the end of me.
Came home and was (and still am, shattered), watched these two geniuses on DVD:

Me and my mate were messing around on the tube today and a "gentleman" decided to berate us and called us ignoramuses, to which I replied "Don't you mean ignorami? Oh educated one!"
Wankers like that annoy me, they act clever when they aren't, if you don't know something, don't profess to know it.
a man speaking sense,
John Grisham,
my every day life,
I want to learn how to take decent photographs.
If anyone comes across this post and knows how to take decent pics, can they tell me?
I can take pics but I want to take those ones that look excellent, i.e. taken with a high pixel camera but aren't, I managed to take one the other day and I will post it up under this post but do I need a camera that has a million pixels as mine is kinda old now, I got it two years ago and there is a phone out now that has a better pixel thingy that my camera, not a good sign.
This is the kinda photo I mean *points downwards*, it got a bit confused though because I had to edit some other pics and this one got done too

This is the original one..

Tis a necklace, a very sexy one which I wore today, incase anyone was wondering.
If anyone comes across this post and knows how to take decent pics, can they tell me?
I can take pics but I want to take those ones that look excellent, i.e. taken with a high pixel camera but aren't, I managed to take one the other day and I will post it up under this post but do I need a camera that has a million pixels as mine is kinda old now, I got it two years ago and there is a phone out now that has a better pixel thingy that my camera, not a good sign.
This is the kinda photo I mean *points downwards*, it got a bit confused though because I had to edit some other pics and this one got done too

This is the original one..

Tis a necklace, a very sexy one which I wore today, incase anyone was wondering.
I don't know if it is just me or if everyone gets this but I find that as I get older, I'm finding people who I would never have found attractive in the past to be exactly that.
I don't know if it is because I appreciate their talents more or if my tastes have grown up.
I remember when I was a kid and I am ashamed to say that I used to think guys in pop groups were fucking gorgeous, now I am repulsed by them (NEVER TAKE THAT THOUGH, THEMZ MA BOYZ!).
Now, I find musicians sexy, i.e. the lead singer of Snow Patrol, back in the day I would have written him off but there is definately something very sexy about him, either the "mood" in which he sings or the fact he is a musician.
Tis not that I find musicians in particular sexy, I feel nothing for Lenny Kravitz or..*add another musician here who is not of Rolling Stone age*, some just do it for me, especially the main man JOHN FRUSCIANTE, man the things I'd do to him!
Anywho, I have also found that you never find any sexy older Indian men, I have told my mates about this hypothesis of mine and they agree, on the tube you see tonnes of sexy older white men but never any desi guys, they are always out of shape, probably what you get for being mama's boys.
There is one guy I used to see all the time, he looked as if he was 20, that is how good his skin was, his hair gave him away though because it was grey..me and my friends were fascinated by him, and he knew this.
Anyway, this is all.
Oh no, men with blue eyes, and I mean proper blue eyes, the kind that sparkle in the winter and in the summer, WHY must you be so sexy? WHY?! Damn you all! Damn you all to my bedroom! *Flutters eyelashes*
I don't know if it is because I appreciate their talents more or if my tastes have grown up.
I remember when I was a kid and I am ashamed to say that I used to think guys in pop groups were fucking gorgeous, now I am repulsed by them (NEVER TAKE THAT THOUGH, THEMZ MA BOYZ!).
Now, I find musicians sexy, i.e. the lead singer of Snow Patrol, back in the day I would have written him off but there is definately something very sexy about him, either the "mood" in which he sings or the fact he is a musician.
Tis not that I find musicians in particular sexy, I feel nothing for Lenny Kravitz or..*add another musician here who is not of Rolling Stone age*, some just do it for me, especially the main man JOHN FRUSCIANTE, man the things I'd do to him!
Anywho, I have also found that you never find any sexy older Indian men, I have told my mates about this hypothesis of mine and they agree, on the tube you see tonnes of sexy older white men but never any desi guys, they are always out of shape, probably what you get for being mama's boys.
There is one guy I used to see all the time, he looked as if he was 20, that is how good his skin was, his hair gave him away though because it was grey..me and my friends were fascinated by him, and he knew this.
Anyway, this is all.
Oh no, men with blue eyes, and I mean proper blue eyes, the kind that sparkle in the winter and in the summer, WHY must you be so sexy? WHY?! Damn you all! Damn you all to my bedroom! *Flutters eyelashes*
So I can't spell
I think I may have to favourite this wesbite, yes wesbite as I am physically unable to spell the word blogger.
Every single time I have attempted to type blogger into Google, I type blooger.
Even now I have had to go back and amend this post several times.
Every single time I have attempted to type blogger into Google, I type blooger.
Even now I have had to go back and amend this post several times.
it's great,
read this
How true
child within has healing ways it sees me through my darkest days
Ahh, The Verve can do no wrong in my eyes.
Richard Ashcroft <3
Tis true as well, whenever I am feeling crappy, my inner child kinda resurfaces and I do more stupid stuff than I usually do and that lifts me right out of my depression.
A few of my mates are my child within as well, the main one being The Joog.
God, how I love that boy/man/dingus/bus driver/gaylord/smellmeister.
He truly is my brother from another mother.
Ahh, The Verve can do no wrong in my eyes.
Richard Ashcroft <3
Tis true as well, whenever I am feeling crappy, my inner child kinda resurfaces and I do more stupid stuff than I usually do and that lifts me right out of my depression.
A few of my mates are my child within as well, the main one being The Joog.
God, how I love that boy/man/dingus/bus driver/gaylord/smellmeister.
He truly is my brother from another mother.
richard ashcroft,
The Joog
Rock out with your cock out
So I had to return a necklace to Debenhams today and pay some bills.
Being the idiot I am, I decided to wear heels.
And to think I rushed out and missed the top 20 rhcp songs too, wankshaftage.
My feet are now blistered and they are hurting me, dagnabbit!
That won't really stand me in good stead for tomorrow, will it?
Ah, never moind. Sometimes I wish I had an Irish accent, thems is sexy.
Anywho, I had no money and thus found nothing at all to buy, until I went into New Look and found a cardigan and a top I wanted last time (they didn't have my size then) but someone, somwhere must be looking down on me because lo and behold, they had it..it was duly purchased.
Kinda scared/worried about tomorrow but I shall be fine.
That is all.
Btw, I find myself falling in love with Snow Patrol.
Being the idiot I am, I decided to wear heels.
And to think I rushed out and missed the top 20 rhcp songs too, wankshaftage.
My feet are now blistered and they are hurting me, dagnabbit!
That won't really stand me in good stead for tomorrow, will it?
Ah, never moind. Sometimes I wish I had an Irish accent, thems is sexy.
Anywho, I had no money and thus found nothing at all to buy, until I went into New Look and found a cardigan and a top I wanted last time (they didn't have my size then) but someone, somwhere must be looking down on me because lo and behold, they had it..it was duly purchased.
Kinda scared/worried about tomorrow but I shall be fine.
That is all.
Btw, I find myself falling in love with Snow Patrol.
Hubba Hubba
Why do some people have the need to super pimp their blog pages?
I never understand it, people get pissed waiting for your page to load up, nobody is going to sit through 500000 youtube videos loading up and then read what you have to say.
Keep it simple.
I never understand it, people get pissed waiting for your page to load up, nobody is going to sit through 500000 youtube videos loading up and then read what you have to say.
Keep it simple.
Why is it suddenly the in thing to have an accent?
I have nothing against people with acents, it's not their fault they can't speak properly, I kid, I kid.
What bemuses me is how people from London now pretend to have accents when they have been born and bred in London, tis like reverse Guy Ritchie syndrome, something which has rubbed off on his wife.
A prime example of this is that dude from The Kooks, he is from London yet sings as if he is from Cornwall, because tis cool to have an accent, I can't help but think he is trying to form his band into a second Arctic Monkeys, even though Alex Turner sings in the same accent as which he speaks in.
Also, why is there such a need for people in the music business to be "common", these people are posh by definition (went private school etc..) and yet they talk as if they are common folk, and then they have the cheek to tell us to be ourselves and be happy with what we are. Case in point is Miss Lily "I am the biggest attention whore in the world" Allen. She went to private school, thus can speak properly, UnLyK D rEsT Ov Uz and she still decides to act like a chav, then she tells schoolkids to be themselves and not turn into Cherly Tweedy clones, one thing I will say about Cheryl, atleast she does not advocate one thing and then act in a a different way herself. I saw Lily on This Morning and she spoke perfect English to the presenters yet, proper talking, pronouncing her T's and everything, yet when she talks to music programmes she puts her chav voice on. Why does everyone think she is a breath of fresh air? She wears trainers and a dress, there is nothing great about that, she doesn't look good, she looks like an idiot, atleast her arch rival Cheryl looks semi decent in her stuff. I remember when she released Smile and she said she would never be an attention whore like Cheryl, funny how a few months down the line she is more known for her opinions on other people and her habit of getting pissed than she is for her music.
Anywho, tis up to her, she is the one lying to herself.
I have nothing against people with acents, it's not their fault they can't speak properly, I kid, I kid.
What bemuses me is how people from London now pretend to have accents when they have been born and bred in London, tis like reverse Guy Ritchie syndrome, something which has rubbed off on his wife.
A prime example of this is that dude from The Kooks, he is from London yet sings as if he is from Cornwall, because tis cool to have an accent, I can't help but think he is trying to form his band into a second Arctic Monkeys, even though Alex Turner sings in the same accent as which he speaks in.
Also, why is there such a need for people in the music business to be "common", these people are posh by definition (went private school etc..) and yet they talk as if they are common folk, and then they have the cheek to tell us to be ourselves and be happy with what we are. Case in point is Miss Lily "I am the biggest attention whore in the world" Allen. She went to private school, thus can speak properly, UnLyK D rEsT Ov Uz and she still decides to act like a chav, then she tells schoolkids to be themselves and not turn into Cherly Tweedy clones, one thing I will say about Cheryl, atleast she does not advocate one thing and then act in a a different way herself. I saw Lily on This Morning and she spoke perfect English to the presenters yet, proper talking, pronouncing her T's and everything, yet when she talks to music programmes she puts her chav voice on. Why does everyone think she is a breath of fresh air? She wears trainers and a dress, there is nothing great about that, she doesn't look good, she looks like an idiot, atleast her arch rival Cheryl looks semi decent in her stuff. I remember when she released Smile and she said she would never be an attention whore like Cheryl, funny how a few months down the line she is more known for her opinions on other people and her habit of getting pissed than she is for her music.
Anywho, tis up to her, she is the one lying to herself.
arctic monkeys,
girls aloud,
lily allen,
the kooks
Online Musicians
What is with this recent trend?
Seems that anyone who makes music in their bedroom and posts it up on a site is the best thing since sliced bread?
That one girl who made songs in her bedroom and got a huge fanbase on myspace or something, had one decent song (though decent is subjective, fortunately) and then went somewhere, I don't even remember her name.
Now it seems that you do not even need fans to be the next myspace/hi5 musician.
The only musicians that I know who made it big on the web without myspace etc..are the Arctic Monkeys and although they have not sold out by being on Top of the Pops, I can't help but feel that they think they are TOO special, which they aren't.
Seems that anyone who makes music in their bedroom and posts it up on a site is the best thing since sliced bread?
That one girl who made songs in her bedroom and got a huge fanbase on myspace or something, had one decent song (though decent is subjective, fortunately) and then went somewhere, I don't even remember her name.
Now it seems that you do not even need fans to be the next myspace/hi5 musician.
The only musicians that I know who made it big on the web without myspace etc..are the Arctic Monkeys and although they have not sold out by being on Top of the Pops, I can't help but feel that they think they are TOO special, which they aren't.
arctic monkeys,
myspace musicians
If it ain't white, it ain't right.

I do not understand the joy of being light skinned.
Funny how people are trying to be browner like us brownies yet we are still struggling to be white.
Why is it that Indian people equate being light with being great in life? I am not sure if this is true of black people but judging how Beyonce has become more accepted as she has lightened her skin colour, it seems the same.
Anywho, I have seen a million creams from India and Pakistan saying that they will make you whiter, some miracle creams even claim to cure dark circles and acne. There are tonnes of these creams and people for some reason buy them thinking they will work, these are the same people who think I am idiot for buying Clinique moisturiser. Wallies.
When I was younger my mum was convinced that I was too dark, she even made me use this disgusting yellow stinky cream named Vicco Tumeric, every single desi knows of this cream but I do not think anyone else knows of the evils of this cream. Anywho, she made me use this and I used to hate it, then one day I woke up and I was the colour I am now, I am not dark..not that I would mind if I was, but I know people who have been using this cream for years and instead of getting whiter, they have taken on a yellow hue. I tried to be fancy with the placing of the picture of the cream and it came out up there someplace, that is it.
Anywho, I saw an ad on tv the other day and the woman said "Before I was dark and ugly but now I am white and fair after using this cream". And idiots actually go out and buy this!
Another thing, when I was in India I saw an ad for another cream that did the same, the woman in the ad went for a job (she was really dark) and they didn't give her the job, so she went home, used the cream, went back for another interview for the same job and got it because she was white.
Ads like that are acceptable there and then the Govt wonders why so many people kill themselves because their skin is too dark.
Beyonce Knowles,
dark skin,
desi girls,
C'est possible?
Is it possible to faint and have a stiffy at the same time?
I was just discussing this with my mate, I claimed that I would get a stiffy if I saw Jimmy White in the flesh, plying his trade and my friend thinks I would faint.
So is it possible to do both at once?
Plus, had a Jammie Dodger today for the first time in my adult life and they taste savoury.
I was just discussing this with my mate, I claimed that I would get a stiffy if I saw Jimmy White in the flesh, plying his trade and my friend thinks I would faint.
So is it possible to do both at once?
Plus, had a Jammie Dodger today for the first time in my adult life and they taste savoury.
Jammie Dodgers,
Jimmy White,
I am pretty sure I wrote something before but it seems to have deleted itself.
Anywho, don't you hate doing shit you don't want to do?
Number one on my complaints list is going to see family who you don't even like.
E.g. today, I had to go and see my grandparents and they annoy me no end as they do not treat my father the way he deserves to be treated.
Anywho, I went because my parents>whatever anyone else says, and I know that the day I stop doing what they want me to, I command no respect from them.
So I went, it was the most boringest time everrrrrrrrrr.
My grandma sat there quietly talking to my aunt, everyone else was silent, then she started speaking to my other aunt who still cannot look me in the face (reasons may be explained later) and she asked the question she always asks "finished school now have you?" Stupid arse can't tell the difference between uni and school.
Anywho, everyone sat in silence, I was willing my Dad to get up and he finally did.
Man those 30 mins were the longest 30 mins of my life, totally sucked the life out of me, I would have been more comfortable petting spiders.
Anywho, don't you hate doing shit you don't want to do?
Number one on my complaints list is going to see family who you don't even like.
E.g. today, I had to go and see my grandparents and they annoy me no end as they do not treat my father the way he deserves to be treated.
Anywho, I went because my parents>whatever anyone else says, and I know that the day I stop doing what they want me to, I command no respect from them.
So I went, it was the most boringest time everrrrrrrrrr.
My grandma sat there quietly talking to my aunt, everyone else was silent, then she started speaking to my other aunt who still cannot look me in the face (reasons may be explained later) and she asked the question she always asks "finished school now have you?" Stupid arse can't tell the difference between uni and school.
Anywho, everyone sat in silence, I was willing my Dad to get up and he finally did.
Man those 30 mins were the longest 30 mins of my life, totally sucked the life out of me, I would have been more comfortable petting spiders.
double standards,
my every day life,
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