
The Love of a Good Man

This is something else to be added to my under-rated list but I feel it deserves more attention, hence it having it's own post.

The love of a good man is one of the BEST things a woman can have. However, to achieve the love of a GOOD man, you need to first respect yourself. Tis true that nobody will respect you unless you respect yourself, this is why many of the brown-skinned females I know have never been in a successful relationship, expecting your partner to think the world of you when you do not think the same of yourself is redundant, it will not happen.

Another thing, the love this decent man gives you comes in differing shapes and forms, simply because a man doesn't hold doors open for you or ring you every 5 minutes to see what you are doing, is not an indication of the fact that he does not love you. My very own good man hardly ever rang me before we lived together and I still knew the love was there.

The love of a good man is conditional, I believe that nobody can love another person unconditionally, human nature is not cut out to do this. That is kinda strange if you think about it, as what else could love? Robots cannot love and it is unclear whether animals love their offspring unconditionally, though to me it seems unlikely. Even your parents do not love you unconditionally, no matter how much they say they do, there is always something you can do which makes them stop loving you. I used to think it was unconditional but now I know different.

The difference between the love of a good man and the lust of a man pretending to be a loving good man is easy to spot once you have been burnt a few times, though not many ladies clock onto this. A good man is the kind of man who will tell you the truth in the most placating way that he can when you need to hear it, the man who pretends to be good will lie to your face and then bugger off when you realise how bad something truly is. A good man need not hold open doors for you, buy you roses on your 2 week-4 day-68hour-35minute anniversary, take you shopping whenever you request it or spend money on you for no reason. A good man is the kinda guy who knows his place (hehehe), one who treats you like a human being and not the princess your Daddy has lead you to believe you are. A good man is the guy who can take the piss out of you in his own unique way, thus making you aware that although he is not paying you compliments, he still loves you. He is the guy who will take care of you when you are ill, because he CARES about you and he wants you to get better, not because he thinks it will score him some brownie points and some extra time in the sack when you are better. The guy who is totally comfortable seeing you without makeup and accepting the fact that if you choose not to wear it, it is your choice and that he will be seen with you even though you are barefaced. The good man is a dying breed and I know of only a few good men (hehehehe).

I'm not really sure who I am addressing this public service announcement to but I think it should go out to men who have ever been disillusioned by women and the love they seek from them. Sometimes you can be the perfect gentleman and a woman still will not take the bait, this doesn't mean you're doing something wrong, the woman might just not like you to be a gentleman all the time. Also, this should go out to the girls who get pissed off when a man doesn't hold doors open for them, carry their handbags or worship the ground they walk on, simply because a guy doesn't do this, does not make him a bastard. God knows that Mr Ross doesn't hold doors open for me, carry my handbag or pull out my chair for me when we go out eating, yet he does take the piss out of me and see me barefaced without flinching and that does me perfectly well.

Tis the good man who subjectifies what "romance" means to him, the wannabe that just does the standard stuff and although those of you who subjectify it might be put off by the fact that the wannabe is getting all the pussy, he will stumble and fall when notions of romance change. You subjective group stay subjective and it will be YOU who finds a woman tailor-made for you and not a woman who expects the world in return for nothing.

1 comment:

Paul said...

Interesting thoughts -- thanks for sharing. :)