

So, I have been waiting for my Masters results for an age now, I did the exams in May and the exam board were meant to publish their results next Monday.

I decided to check my results page on the off chance that they might be up, it didn't work..so I tried again, got a bit further but still saw nothing on the page, tried a third time and the results were up.

It took a while for my brain to realise that maybe the reason the page wasn't working was because the results were up.

Anywho, I passed mes exams.

98%. That's a two percent margin of error, woweth.

Tis at this time that I would like everyone who ever doubted me when I was younger and told me I couldn't do it and that I would amount to nothing in life to actually observe what I have achieved. I am not one for gloating because I feel that you, too, will one day get what is coming to you.

Nothing need be said to the people who have for the past 23 years supported me in all my whimsical plans, ideas and far-fetched dreams, for they know of the true, unconditional love I have for them, and I am not just talking about my immediate family, there are other folk, mainly 4 who know who they are, that also have unconditional love from me. Tis thanks to these people that I am on the path to getting what I want in life and tis true that without them, I would have fallen by the wayside ages ago. Succeeding in these exams is not all about hard work, surround yourself with people who make you happy and people you make happy and you can succeed at anything, sure it might take you longer but once you get there, you reap more benefits and get more enjoyment out of it than anyone who got there the easy way.

I shall be going out tonight and getting pissed as a fart as I longer have no worries.

1 comment:

Paul said...

Ha, congratulations!