
The Weekend's Work

Here we are..no pics of the flooring that I had to lay as tempers were fraying early on.

The shell of one side..this was about half six on Saturday

This was about half nine-ish, both sides had been made and rails had been drilled in.

Ta-da..this was the next morning, before I had to take everything out again.

The floor and the wall that needs repainting..the chest of drawers I!! made a few days beforehand.

The sliding doors..I couldn't get them fully into one shot..

Clothes back in, drawers in too..

Better picture, the top drawer has scarves and gloves in it at the moment but that shall change when I get the correct accessory, I am considering getting a compartmental box thingy for the gloves though.

Closeups of my handiwork

Wonker..I cannae even hold a camera straight.

It feels great to know that I made that, from scratch..I made the flat bits of wood turn into a cupboard, though putting the sliding doors onto their tracks was hardest.

Now that I have the cupboard in place, I can get super organised as I shall be getting the accessories from Ikea this weekend.

Tis funny how having such a large cupboard (which, by the way, fits perfectly into the space I had there) lets you realise how few clothes you have, my old cupboard was groaning for more space but here I feel as if I could shop and shop and still have space.


Anonymous said...

nice one toots, by toots I mean Diego.

Rhamnousia @ Desi Girl Does Makeup said...

How dare you!

Are you insinuating that I had some help making these cupboards?

The only thing Diego did was look good with his top off.

I thank you.