
Cleanse, Tone, Moisturise

So I used to do this religiously when I was younger.

Granted, it was twice a week on a Sunday and Saturday morning but I always did it, without fail.

On a side note I think I am slowly becoming addicted to commas, I put them in everywhere, as you can see I have already used FOUR in four lines, this must stop.

Oh, make that six.

Funny how I am only grammatically loose with comma's and not any other grammatical invention. Imagine. If. I. Put. Full. Stops. In. Everywhere.

Anywho, back to the cleansing.

I did it all the time and I never saw any results, this was when i was about 14ish.

Come my 15th birthday I got a job and thus had to stop.

Since then I did it on the odd occasion until just this past week when I read that the skin slows down when you hit 25, I panicked and realised I only had 1.5 years left of good natural skin.

So, since about Wednesday, I have been cleansing and moisturising twice a day.

I normally moisturise and exfoliate in the morning but now I do it in the evening too and I have added toning with a PROPER toner.

I haven't yet started using dermalogica but I will do when this current Body Shop bottle runs out (twas an "impulse" buy during lunch and the Body Shop was the closest shop, I didn't fancy spending a bomb in L'Occitane and then finding that the cleanser was crap).

My skin now feels remarkably smoother and softer after only three days, but I can't put on night moisturiser all the time as my skin gets greasy, I may have to invest in one for greasy skin, even though I only get the greasies on the T Zone.

Anywho, the husb has suggested that I abandon the "keep your skin young" approach due to the post below.

I shan't though as I love how my skin feels now, I must cleanse for this morn however and moisturise up.

Football is on soon.

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