
Idiots and Sue Townsend


Lol, what a dickhead.

This is why you research stuff before you get yourself permanently inked up.

Now to Mrs Sue Townsend, this woman is leg-end.

She writes in a way that I can only hope to write in, she writes about things that effect everyone but her writing is anything but boring. I fell in love with her at the age of 12 (my age, not hers) after reading about Mr Adrian Mole. I remember seeing Adrian Mole on the TV when I was too young to understand it and I must say that the casting for the most recent outing was excellent as that was exactly how I imagined him to look.

Now Mrs Townsend makes no bones about the fact that she has no formal writing qualifications but I feel that it is this fact alone that makes her writing so accessible to everyone, if you write about what the masses experience, it will be a hit. I am currently reading The Confessions of Middle Aged Woman and it is hilarious. She mentions two authors in this book who take themselves far too seriously and I feel that this is a curse on modern society. People seem to think that to be educated and intelligent, you need to read the great classics..the great classics were new books at one time or another and there are no doubt a million people out there who have read them to look refined and educated when in actual fact they have no idea what the book was about.

This happened to me once, I decided to read War and Peace because my dad made it sound interesting. At this stage in my life I was going to uni FIVE days a week, so that is about 2 hours of commuting a day. I knew that this exericse was futile when on the Friday of the third week, I was still on page 2 of the book.

One of the only classics that I have enjoyed reading is by Zola, and everyone knows this.

Also, back to Sue, for a lady who says she has no formal qualifications, she can sure write an entertaining and funny book..and that is what I want from a book. A book need not be clever or riddled with large words for it to be a good book. A good book is the kind that you like to read, in my case this varies from books about poisons to books about ragged trousered philanthropists.

That brings me onto another point, just because you read a book in a few days does not make it a good book. I am currently reading The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists and I have been doing so since last November. This book is without a doubt one of the best written books that I have come across, the reason I have not yet finished it is because the book is simply that great.

This reminds me, this is the first time in ages that I have actually sat down and blogged, must be because I have nothing else to do, the husb is sleeping (jetlag) and I have done everything that needs doing.

Anywho, has anyone ever started reading a really good book and then stopped? I started reading Life of Pi and it was excellent, now it's kinda boring as the boy is just stuck in the sea, I don't really fault the author, it must be the situation that bores me.

Oh well, I shall finish of Sue and then get back to Pi, or failing that, read some of the other 13 million books I lugged home from the library yesterday.

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