
What your blog should say

I have just read an article on the MSN homepage about what your blog should be like.

Seems kinda stupid if you ask me as they go on giving you a million tips re. how to make it more interesting and easier for people to read. You're told that you shouldn't lie as it dents your credibility and you shouldn't preach to people..then you're told at the end that you should just be you, it should be your space to vent.

What if you're a pathological liar? Being yourself you would have to lie and lie.

The article got me thinking, what is my blog about?

It's not a niche market as I assume there are a million desi girls who ramble and blog it up too, mine is exactly that, ramblings from the mind of a desi girl. I type what comes out and I never go back and edit stuff, overediting something that comes from the heart is pointless, how does it come from the heart if you keep going back to change it?

On the camera front, I have decided to buy a Canon camera as they are better. This is the one I shall be buying:
I've learnt a lot more about my camera recently (stuff such as the ISO, shutter speed etc..) and I feel more confident with my shots now.

I will post a few up later (read..a million) just so others can see if they look decent or not.

This is it for this post, the pics will be up soon.


taleb said...


Rhamnousia @ Desi Girl Does Makeup said...

Sony's are crappy re. picture quality.

I tried some cams out and the results came out best on the Canon (plus the Canon allows for super stunning shots when you Photoshop).

Sony seems kinda elementary, people only buy it because they think as it is a Sony good, it must be the dog's bollocks when in fact it's not the best out there. It must be great to have that much power over people, that they go buy your shit at the mere mention of your brand.