

I'm making some lifestyle changes because I don't currently like the way I look.

These changes will take about six months but I am giving myself a year.

After this time I will maintain what I have worked hard to achieve and it won't bother me again.

I have done it once before and thus can certainly do it again now that I have me some motivation.

I currently have a cold and it's super annoying. I want to go out and do stuff but I can't because I can barely breathe. I got me that Vicks Inhaler but everytime I take it, I feel like I've just chased the dragon as it feels as if the insides of my nose are melting..tis a strange feeling.

I'm nearer to choosing what camera I want too..I don't think I need 12 megapixels..I will get a 8 megapixel camera with a high ISO..I finally know what that means.

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