
Family politics


Those of you who know me and read this blog will know that there are a lot of family politics in my family.

Two things have happened this past week which make me laugh/annoy me.

1)GCSE results.

I did my GCSE's in 2000 and got very decent grades, my uncle at the time laughed and said they were because I chose easy subjects (I chose History, Sociology and French because I was doing two languages). His daughter got her results and got C's and D's and he has told the whole family that she got A's (he only told my dad the truth because he trusts him..which is pretty dumb because no matter how chummy you are with your brother/sister, your kids come first). Anyway, he laughed at my easy subjects, his daughter got bare passes in subjects like Art, DT and Drama..hello? Rumour mill is going mad in our family and apparently the daughter cried as soon as she got home becuase she was so pleased with her great results..I'm not convinced by that because EVERYONE gets funny when they get them, it doesn't take you time.

2)People using and abusing you.

Last weekend I was at my parent's house avec Mon. Now we had a desi festivity and we missed one set of guests who were coming around. They came the next day. There are four in this family (mum, dad and two girls). One girl has been ill for ages (I'm sure it is attention seeking and don't have the inclination to go into it now, basically every year she stops eating for a few weeks and then starts again), so far it has been about 5 weeks. The mother and oldest daughter came around to see us last Sunday. Now Mon has a habit of coming out the shower with just a towel on, my mum and dad do not mind this because they expect him to treat the place as his own. He came out of the shower and walked down the side bit in our yard and my cousin caught a glimpse of him (he wasn't trying to show himself off..there's a first!). Both mother and daughter were very stoney faced and I made a joke and told my mum I wouldn't sit with my cousin as I didn't like her (I say this all the time and she takes it in jest), this time she turned around and said "Well, I don't like you anyway". So I got a bit annoyed but thought I'd say something as we were sitting there in total silence, I asked if they had outfits made for a desi event that we soon have and the daughter replied with a single "no". Now I was really mad but didn't show it (I'm an angel, ain't I?!) So I sat there in silence and they finally left.

Fast forward to Tuesday, I get a buddy buddy text from said cousin asking me the same question that I asked her, I haven't replied and don't intend on doing so either. The sensible half of this relationship (one Monska) told me to leave it as I shouldn't just be there for people to talk to when THEY feel up to it when I am always nothing but nice to them. So I have left it. I asked a third party/fourt party about this and they said the same. If I treated my cousin the way she treated me that day in public she'd have a field day going on about why I've got attitude etc..but fuck it, she can say what she wants. If you have problems at home, leave them there, don't fucking take it out on me. When I have problems I never get mad at you when you have nothing to do with it so why do you think I deserve it from you?

I am back home today (had to help mon pere with something) and I have been to my grandmother's house where my uncle was with my cousin (brother of aforementioned aunt), his sister came around too (sister of aforementioned aunt) and they made plans to go see the aunt in question, they tried to invite me along but I was adamant I was going home and that is what I have done. They keep thinking that something is wrong but I'm not going to spill because they will go tell her because that's what you do in my family, snitch like a bitch. I'm not some kinda fool who will go to someone's house when they have clearly been so hostile to me, I'm not going to be friendly towards them until I get an apology and for once I will stick to my guns! I'm sick of being messed around by them.


PS Simon smells.

(I quite like the quote mentioned below)

Ubi dubium ibi libertas

1 comment:

M said...

omg! i totally get you on the results incident! has happened with me and family members too! i don't see why people need to lie about exam results. x