
Mr Simon Ross

This is the name of my husband and the owner of the sexiest body I have ever seen.

He is the sexiest fucker alive (well..bar John but I shall make do, hehehe).

I shouldn't really go on about how great he is as if he were a bastard I wouldn't have married him but he truly is a leg-end.

I love him more than anyone can even begin to comprehend, I would die for him if it came to that (though I hope he'd step in and convince me not to..hopefully he would be naked whilst convincing me because that would help a great deal).

We went to get a new car this morning and I nearly got run over..this is when I realised he was willing to injure himself/die for me (now this might be something that most women expect from their men but the amount of men who would actually do it is a lot less than those who say they will), he got in the way of the car before me, he came bounding out of the showroom and the car whacked him on the knee..the thing that made me get all funny was the fact that if I had been hit by the car, it wouldn't have been a life threatening injury but he still felt it his port of call to protect me. Then the dickhead driving the car got out and I gave him what for..that's what you call teamwork..trying to injure my husband, DOES HE MIND?!

Ahhh..MON I *SOMETHING* YOU..love is a crap word to describe how I feel about you and the feelings you rouse inside me just by being..not being you, or being there, just by your very being. I struggle not to cry when you leave me and go somewhere for work (even if it is in the same country) and you may call me sad but you know you'd get a slap :)

Also, I am aware that other people read this blog too but this one post is for you Simon and you alone. I think it might form one of the parts of that letter I told you I'm still composing (59 pages!)

I know a lot of people think it won't last and it's just a teenage fad (even though we aren't teenagers anymore and we never dated as teenagers), as I tell you..let them think what they wish..they don't know us and they dynamics we have between us, they are jealous because they are insecure about something in their own lives, I know this shit never ever gets to you because you know how tight we are even when I'm pissing you off and you're shouting your head off at me..it's in those moments I know you *something* me because only those closest to me shout at me that way..because they care. How long has it been now? 2000 I believe it was, it will be 2009 in seven months time and has anything shaken it? Yeah, a lot of shit has but we man up and come through it every single time.

You fucking crack me up man..you know I only swear about a few select people on this Earth and you're lucky you're one of them. I'm not going to say anything of that crap about me being lucky to have you because I'm not, it was hard fucking work! Those on the outside might think I'm a bitch and you're too good for me but then why are you still here? Why do those who have no clue think they know the most? I'm a bit hungry actually..must eat something! (Well, duh). I do as much for you as you do for me as I know this because you've told me as such so they can cram it with walnuts..uglies.

Apart from the making me laugh and making my existence on this Earth quite a pleasurable one you are ALWAYS there to offer me information or sarcasm (often at the wrong time but I wouldn't change ye). You understand EVERY SINGLE WORD that comes out of my mouth, even when I mumble whilst eating or when doors are closed, this is a feat in itself as I have a penchant for making up words but you are somehow always one step ahead of me which is how I think it should be.

My personal sounding off board is what you are and I'm fucking thankful that you listen to every stupidness that passes my lips and that you wait patiently for the genius that comes out once in a blue moon..I love the fact that I can say as many stupid things to you as I want and you will laugh but not in a mean way. You have the patience of a saint when it comes to me, even when I push it..lesser men get pissed off but not thou!

I can see why whilst I'm writing this, reading the FT..funny how a certain mixture of flesh, bone, muscle and hair brings me so much hapiness (ONE P!). You make me far happier than I ever thought I could be and for that I am truly thankful..and you can see that I'm tearing up so I shall have to make an excuse but you already know why I'm covering the screen with my hair..which barely comes past my shoulders..I never claimed to be smart!

I love the way how when I'm cold in bed you warm me up by putting your cold feet on my bare legs (git!) or opening the window..but I love you for all you do.

I am amazed by your brain and how you know so much, being a lawyer by trade you'd expect me to know a lot too but your knowledge far outweighs mine (no matter what you say..I am so jealous of your mind..but now I own it vicariously, hehehehe..confuse him with the lawyer speak!)

I think that's it for now..if I find more I will add it on.

Rest assured that I don't need a million paged book to write about how fucking perfect you are because we all know that girls want quality over quantity *ahem*, so even if I don't fill all the pages out, the truth could still be documented without you losing any of your allure, you tart!

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