
Monday Afternoon Randomness

So it's the start of another working week. I'm back home this week as Simon comes home on Saturday and Heathrow is closer to here than to my house.

Anyway, I've got a lot to say today methinks but I'm not really sure.

On Saturday me and Akash went to some finance lecture thingy and then we went off to find AD, the amazing thing is, we, well I saw a girl with a bag from that shop and I TOLD Aykash to follow her but would he? No.

We bumbled around went to two Lush stores (one gave me a sweet, one didnae..gits), off to Muji where I was amazed by the wooden dinosaurs, they should have had a wooden snake, I could just hear the double entendres sliding around in my head for that one. Try as we did we couldn't find AD, shall have to Google it up.

Got some magazine from the finance fayre (is that the right spelling?) which had the dude who started Wikipedia in it, I salue that man, Wiki is the first port of call for ANYONE.

Three-ish weeks left til Xmas and the shoppers are out in force, I'm doing all my shopping online, there are only 4 people who are getting gifts which I have had to go out and get and they know who they are..those lucky cunts are worth my time and pedometre mileage AND they are getting more than one present too.

I'm listening to The Masterplan by Oasis and do you think we are all part of a master plan? Do we all play the role we have in life because it leads us to greatness or others to greatness? I don't really agree with that, you make your own way..you can come from the crappest circumstances and become everything you wanted, I think that having a bad/poor background helps as you strive to never have that kind of life yourself whereas if you're born into luxury you get used to it and you haven't suffered the worst.

Anyway, Saturday was a great day, went shopping in the morn and to that finance lecture and then came home, ate, then went out dancing the night away.

What also makes me laugh is when people only read books that have won prizes because it makes them look like they have their finger firmly placed on the literary pulse. These are the people who muddle through even when a book is shit. Read what you want to read..also people who only read classics because it makes them look refined and educated..WHY?! I've only read two "classic" texts which I loved..The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists (which I am still reading more than a year on) and Therese Racquin (I think that's how you spell it) by Emile Zola. Apart from that I read whatever I might find interesting.

Also, in Roll With It, the Gallaghers say that you should "Say what you say, don't let anybody get in your way"..I think that's the motto of my life along with "God gave you a mouth..use it!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Covent Garden - Left, Left - shimmy down the street - Right