
Reduction of stock


I'm still on my mission to reduce all my stock before I buy anything new but it is hard when all the shops have offers on. For example, I have bought the following recently despite having some at home already:

  • Cleansing wipes. I had finished my original Boots stash (which by the way were crap, but then what do you expect for about £1.50?) and I'd heard that Biore ones were on offer in Superdrug and I did need some of their excellent nose pore strips. So, I picked up two nose pore strips and two jam packed cleansing wipe packets. I have still not opened these as I have been given a packet of L'oreal wipes to use. That brings me onto my next issue, I went to Boots and they had L'oreal wipes on half price so I bought two packets. Now I have gone from having no cleansing wipes to having 5 packets..
  • Shampoo/conditioner. I bought some more shampoo as I thought I needed some, despite having some TBS banana shampoo at home already and some Herbal Essences. It was too good an opportunity to pass up as they had the usual BOGOF offer on so I got two. Conditioner wise I had a voucher from Boots so I bought some Mark Hill conditioner for frizzy hair which totally did nothing AND the design of the bottle needs some work as I had to take the whole of the top of as the lid was jammed stuck in the top part.
Hmm..that's been it really, bought some moisturiser which I really needed and it turned out to be crap, am going to get jojoba oil as it's been recommended by someone who knows what they're doing.

On the plus side I have only 3 body moisturisers left which is impressive considering that this time last year I had about 20.

Quite impressed really as I have only a few face washy products left, one face moisturiser, a lot of conditioners, two/three shampoos and no shower gels have been bought by me since November, woo woo.

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