
Ragged Trousered Valentines

So as you readers of this blog will know I have been reading the Ragged Trousered Philanthropists for an age, I took it out of the library back in 2006 in about September. I finished it a few weeks ago and it is to date the second book that I would buy (the first is To Kill A Mockingbird) but I think that RTP has overtaken even that.

It's a funny old book because if you asked me or anyone who has read it what it was about you wouldn't get one answer that made sense, not a lot of books can do that, it encompasses everything and does so in a great way, it made me cry and and it made me laugh like a school girl (which I once was). It also shocked me to see how the world operated back then and how bastardly it was that the poor worked harder and harder and had less and less to show for it whereas the rich (their bosses) did less and less and got more and more. I'm going to buy it from Amazon and for once I shan't by the cheapest version.

I think that will be the one book that I will force my children to read, that will be the only thing they will be be forced to do and if I don't make any kids read it before I die I won't be happy.

I'm listening to Old Yellow Bricks by the Arctics at the moment and I can't concentrate on what I'm typing. I've got a sort of runny nose and I feel a bit like those bears you get with the goggly eyes. Also, I've read the RTP and now I seem to dislike any book that I read, this happened to me after reading The Time Travellers Wife but then I found this book, I don't think I will ever find a book as good my RTP so that has upset me a bit.

Also, Valentines has passed and I got no roses simply because I don't see the point in getting flowers on one day of the year, I saw tonnes of idiots rushing home on Thursday with their overpriced flowers, I would hate for my man to be that stupid. I'm not anti romance, just anti-paying more for shit than you have to. I did my overtime and we went to Fridays, it was nice because I managed to up my wine tolerance to five glasses (coming on a whole two after graduation) which is great and the food was nice. We took a stroll which was also nice, eyed up the London night sky and then we went home.

I woke up OK for work on Friday and I could see the same men as I saw on Thursday looking very miserable. I don't understand how giving a woman something super nice on one day is meant to convince her that you love her more than you normally do, you could give me the world on Valentines Day and then leave me the day after or you could give me nothing apart from the security of you being there in the morning (and if you can give me both then the more the better..kidding!)

I saw a very expensive handbag that I wanted and I got it bought for me, result!

I think that is all to report for now apart from the fact that the work at work is slowly killing me and I think I might turn to drink. Tis a hard life as a lawyerbird I tells thee.

The other day I saw a Muslim girl outside the station in full Muslim gear having a cheeky smoke, she had her back turned to the street and was trying to conceal it, what I don't get is, if you're that ashamed of doing it, give it up and don't give me the rubbish of it being hard because nothing is hard if you want it bad enough.

I wonder if she lives with her parents and if she can look them in they eye when they go to pray seeing as smoking is one of the haraam'est things you can do.

Woohoo! Just done a spell check and I have made NO mitakes..er..misstakes..er..mistakes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi desi-girl-ramblings!

I just read that you recommend Priya Basil`s "Ishq and Mushq", which I like a lot too. She´s shortlisted for "spread the word" (a world book day event): http://www.worldbookday.com/spreadtheword/books/book_top-ten.asp
Maybe you and your friends want to vote for her.